When I think back to this day five years ago, I still remember the reason I started this blog. I wanted to share my passion and world of snowboarding with the world (to whoever cared to listen). It wasn’t to make money, it wasn’t to be recognized by people and it certainly wasn’t to get free gear. I set out with my own content and now five years later, I can look around and see the impact this site has had on snowboarding. It’s pretty rad.
In the past five years, I’ve written 2,296 blog posts which comes out to roughly 459 blog posts per year. It was always a labor of love. Blogging and creating content is time, energy and love. Thank goodness I had a lot of love to give. There were many late nights and early mornings dedicated to updating the blog before working a full-time 9-5 job. This has always been a personal blog devoted to fun on the mountain and it’s amazing to see how passion and hard work have helped it grow.
After five years of writing about it, I still love snowboarding. Something about breathing in the cold winter air, feeling the board turn beneath me through powder, trees, groomers and parks and sharing the moment with new and old friends. My world of snowboarding is small but the level of compassion, love and friendship is so rewarding. Now I get to share my love of downhill mountain biking and snowboarding in one place.
I really owe a huge thank you to my readers who tune into shayboarder.com. I love that there are shayboarder stickers around the world, on bikes to boards. The level of support is incredibly high, the knowledge is deep and you share the same passion.
To celebrate the five year anniversary, feel free to ask questions or leave comments about the blog, myself, whichever. I’ll pick a winner that will receive a Shayboarder goodie box that I’ll put together just for you. I’ll pick a winner on August 27 so don’t wait too long to enter.
Corey G
August 20, 2012 at 9:14 amThanks for sharing, You are AWSM!
Andrea Zaniolo
August 20, 2012 at 9:19 amI truly got interested in snowboarding about 3 years ago and your blog was the first source of information regarding gear & stuff that I found on the internet… Thank you for your job, the soul you put in everything you do and all the time you spent helping people choosing their equipment . Keep it up ShayBee, you’re making it big! Support from Italy!
August 20, 2012 at 9:44 amCongratulations Shay, your passion and dedicaton are a true inspiration. Thank you for beiing a strong voive in women’s snowboarding and for whating my appetite to try mountain biking.
August 20, 2012 at 9:51 amI have been following for only the last few months, I remember you as a active member on snowboard.com before it got shut down. Nice to see you doing what you love. Its been awhile since you recommended me not to goto Mt Baker when I was a noob back in ’03-’04. Keep doing what you love and I will keep watching!!
Erin S
August 20, 2012 at 9:54 amYippee!! And thank you for providing this great website. It’s my go to for everything snowboarding, whether I’m looking for gear or just a break from the desk work before I go to the mountain in my free time.
August 20, 2012 at 9:57 amI appreciate all your hard work and have enjoyed your blog. Keep up the good work.
August 20, 2012 at 10:48 amShay,
I’ve been following your blog for a couple years and every time I am stoked to see your articles and your features as far as product reviews, days on the mountain, and whatever else you decide to throw up here. Your love for snowboarding really shines through (one in particular was a couple years ago when you went to the woods in Mammoth for an early season shred expedition and pretty much rode on pine needles and got some nice bruises!). Sharing the passion for snowboarding to others and getting newcomers and veterans alike to be creative and motivated to ride (even for a run or two on a lunch break). You have been killing it, and I’ll be looking forward to checking out your blog on the regular as usual. Happy fifth!
August 20, 2012 at 6:54 pmcongrats on the 5 years already. haven’t been here for too long, was actually referred from you from trusnow/ss. Glad the upgrade came for the site, really nice to have a fresh look. hoping to be still part of this for your 10+ anniversary
August 20, 2012 at 7:43 pmCongrats on 5 years!
August 21, 2012 at 5:46 amCongratulations! It’s amazing how much you’re blog has progressed. I think I’ve been a reader for 3 or 4 of the years and although I’m not the most active reader with comments, I subscribe and follow everything you got. Keep it up Shay!
Tim B
August 21, 2012 at 8:53 am“reads daily, shreds often”
August 21, 2012 at 2:02 pmCongrats on the 5 years! I love your blog. I just moved from Ohio to Colorado and I heard a rumor from a friend you went to CMC. I hope it’s true, because I’m starting at the Steamboat campus next week. Ever since I found your blog years ago, I’ve kind of wanted to start something kind of similar. I’ve been an instructor for 7 years, and just got my AASI level 3 last year (first black girl to become a level 3 in the Central Division, and possibly the entire country…. not trying to brag or anything. haha). Thinking about doing something revolving around my experiences teaching snowboarding. If you ever make it to Steamboat next season, I’d love to make some turns with you.
August 21, 2012 at 2:09 pmHey Nia! Thanks so much. Congrats on the move and going to CMC Steamboat. It’s a beautiful campus. The rumor isn’t true, I graduated college from University of Washington before I arrived in Steamboat Springs but I had friends teach there and was present at a couple CMC classes to help out with the ski/snowboard business program. Awesome on your level 3, that’s no easy task! Steamboat is an amazing place, definitely hope to make it back and would love to meet up for turns.
August 21, 2012 at 2:10 pmThanks PJ! Thank you for subscribing and following along. It’s been quite the journey!
August 21, 2012 at 2:11 pmThanks Holland!
August 21, 2012 at 2:12 pmThanks Corey!
August 21, 2012 at 2:18 pmThanks Andrea! Rad my blog has been a source of information for you! Keep up the good riding in Italy!
August 21, 2012 at 2:21 pmThanks Mo for all your support over the years and being there from the beginning. Definitely an inspiration for this blog!
August 21, 2012 at 2:26 pmThanks Steven! I was on snowboard.com actively for years, left probably a year before it got shut down. Fun to be able to write on this blog. Hopefully you made it to Mt Baker since being a noob, it’s well worth it!
August 23, 2012 at 1:42 pmcongrats on this milestone, many more to come!
August 24, 2012 at 11:45 amShay,
Thanks for your amazing site. I am am avid reader for 4 yrs.
I am a female 54 yr. rider, and have loved being able to get equipment reviews from a “real person”, not a snowboarding magazine geared to 16 yr. old boys.
Have enjoyed also your travel articles from all over the West, especially Alaska.
Keep up the fine work.
August 24, 2012 at 5:16 pm5 years! . Five. Holy eff.
fortunately it’s not a pointless blog, and has actually helped me in picking out a few boards this past year based on un-biased reviews.
Muchos Gracias Senorita!!!
Martin Beran
August 25, 2012 at 11:28 amHawt damn, 5 YEAR!! Congratulations!
I’ve thoroughly enjoyed stalking your adventures on your blog for the last 4 years! Thanks for always putting out great reviews, interviews and stories about your life! I’ll most likely stalk your blog for at least another 4 years
August 26, 2012 at 7:23 pmI’ve been following and replying to some of your posts here. Great blog and no wonder it got to 5 years. COngrats!
September 1, 2012 at 7:35 pmThanks everyone for the support over the years! I really appreciate it!
The goodie box winner is Ann! Thanks to everyone for the comments!