No matter what kind of rider you are, socks keep you warm on the mountain. That’s where Stance socks comes in, they create socks that keep you warm, dry and ready to rock. But there’s more than just that, they aim to blend form and function with art and collaborations.
The Winter 2012-2013 series include: Art, Acrylic, Merino Wool, Premium, Women’s, Kids Collection and Winter Casual. Signature socks include: Chris Grenier, Russ Pope, Baldface Lodge and Mikey Leblanc. Many of their socks are made in Italy.
Stance socks feature ankle and arch elastic support, Y gore seam, smooth flat seamless toe closure, instep flex panel, left and right specific toe closures, compression technology, no lift heel grip, traction control, snowboard cushion placement, rag top self – adjusting welt cuff.
Stance Art Series
Whether it’s stringing together a crisp line in a pillow field or hitting a grass gap created by the spring thaw, shredding is about creativity. The socks in our Artist series embody this same spirit, sporting the work of folks like Russ Pope. Thanks to our friends, you can now have a mini art museum in your boots.
L-R: Warning, Casey Jones and Paradise
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Stance Acrylic Series
If you view each pint of plasma you donate as a payment toward a season pass or make your meals from the condiment bar in the lodge, it’s time you met the socks in our Acrylic Series. These babies will keep you warm, dry and looking good – even with a dirtbag budget.
L-R: Combat, Grenier, Scotty Dog, Alderson, Seminole, Acoma (Mikey Leblanc)
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Merino Wool Series
Even though sheep can’t press rails or float backside ones into pow, they do have one thing dialed: wool. In addition to being super soft, merino wool does an excellent job wicking moisture and regulating temperatures. We made these socks so you can rock the benefits of wool without the hassle of shredding with sheep in your boots.
L-R: Seminole, Acoma, Boot Monkey, Cardston
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Stance Premium Series
Our premium socks offer a buffet of technical features and fabrics. Whether it’s asymmetrical fits based around the way you ride or fabrics that help maintain toasty temperatures, these rocks provided unsurpassed performance. If you want tomorrow’s technology today, pony up to the premiums.
L-R: Python, Baldface, Swith Regular, Switch Goofy
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Stance Women’s Series
Sex. Okay, now that we have your attention it’s time for an anatomy lesson. Compared to men, women tend to have feet that are narrower and have a shorter instep. The female calf muscle also sits lower on the leg. Needless to say, socks must be designed around those differences in order to work best. At Stance, we create a proper fit through function.
Stance Kids Collection
Even though kids are down-sized humans, we don’t downsize the performance of our kids socks. We design them around the proportions of kids’ feet and calves and blend in top-notch technology. Kids can now spend more time worrying about backside airs and book reports and less time worrying about bunched up socks.
Winter Casual Series
After a day of charging, slip into our apres shred socks. These things are comfort-driven for casual living. Whether you party in front of a wood burning stove or at the bar, your feet will thank you.
L-R: Women’s Nakiska, Shiloh, Windmills, Mohican, Kids X-Ray and Casual Eureka and Stoneybreck
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Martin Beran
February 20, 2012 at 8:15 amDAMN! The 2012-13 socks look awesome. Now I just have to increase my sock budget by like 500%