What do women want when it comes to snowboard outerwear? All the ladies had a chance to give their input on Solstice Supply’s fanpage to be entered to win a box of Lifetime Collective Gear. Tons of women put in their favorite brands and reasons why they rock them. But now it’s time to announce the winner of the contest and who will be taking home a box of Lifetime Collective Gear to rock this winter!
The Winner is Amy Self!
Amy let the crew at Solstice Supply know that she’s stoked on Volcom for having the best designs. Congrats Amy! Hope you enjoy the box of Lifetime Collective Gear! Solstice Supply will be in touch with you shortly!
Amy S.
December 3, 2011 at 9:08 pmFreaking radical!!! I can’t believe it!!! Eeeeeeeeeek! Thanks a million to one of the radest companies on earth! <3
December 4, 2011 at 12:50 pmOMG!! Winner-winner, chicken dinner!!! CONGRATS and come visit VA to do some shredding in your new gear