[singlepic id=12339 w=150 h=181 link=”http://www.shayboarder.com/2011/08/shayboarders-2012-top-picks.html” float=right]
Location: Mammoth, CA
Snow Conditions: Hardpacked to softpacked groomed runs.
Setup: I rode the Lib Tech T.Rice with my Union Team bindings and Vans Veil Boots size 8.
Size: 157cm.
First Impression: Pop, check. Stability, check. Charging, check. Ride a little more like Trice in your head? Sure.
Weight: Tad heavier than average
Flex: I was expecting a stiffer ride and while it’s up there on the flex, it’s not so overly stiff you can’t play with it. From the bindings to the nose/tail were noticeably stiffer and that helped keep it longitudinally on the stiff side. However torsionally, the T.Rice had a easier/softer torsional flex that made quick turns and it feel softer during riding. Lib Tech says it’s a 7 on the flex scale for 2011-2012 but a 7 that’s still capable of riding anywhere you want. The T.Rice has C2 technology which is banana rocker between the bindings and camber from the inserts to the contact points.
Turning: I was expecting the 25.8 waist width to be a slow turner for me while riding so I took warm up runs on the first day with it but eventually realized that the softer torsional flex made it handle turns without delay. It was quicker to turn than I expected. Eventually I took the Trice into the pipe, in the park and on the jumps feeling very comfortable on it and how it handled.
Stable: The wider width definitely helped on stability, making it a bomber board to ride. But already the flex and handling, made it a very stable ride down the mountain.
Pop: When I first got on the Trice I didn’t take it immediately into park but when I did, the pop was there very loud and clear. I started small and ended up realizing that the pop was carrying me past the landings. In fact some of my best park laps this year were on the Trice. I’d hit the first jump, tap the bonk barrel, hit the corrogated tube and then do the three jump line before either a run through the pipe or onto the flat box. In fact the majority of riding on the Trice was in the park but also some good freeriding laps as well.
Switch: Rode like a twin during my time on it and got in some fun switch riding in the pipe (didn’t look pretty though).
Overall Impression: The T.Rice is Travis Rice’s destroyer pro model snowboard and it shows in it’s handling, stability and how it rides. It’s a board that you can ride park or drop lines on, the board shows no mercy to the mountain.
Shay’s Honesty Box: I was really surprised on the Trice. The combination of the midwide with my size 8’s required not thinking about it but the Trice excelled so much it didn’t even matter I was riding a midwide. I ended up borrowing the board for a week longer because I was having so much fun on it, that’s a good board. It was hands down my favorite mid wide board.
Ready to buy? Head over to evo for the Lib Tech T.Rice or shop their full line of Lib Tech snowboards
On Snow Photo
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Lib Tech T.Rice description
[singlepic id=12258 w=500 h=715 mode=watermark float=]
Review Disclosure: I borrowed this board from P3 Snowboard Shop in Mammoth. Thank you Mike and Steve!
August 3, 2011 at 7:22 amHi Shay,
Nice review…
Just curious, you mention that it is “Tad heavier than average” even if that is the HP version? thanks
August 3, 2011 at 8:05 pmI’m riding the same board in the ’10-’11 (161.5 pointy) version. Any significant changes to this years’ model?
August 3, 2011 at 8:43 pmhands down best board ever. yes it is a tad bit heavier than average, when I got it, I thought I was gonna hate it, but when you’re riding it, you don’t don’t even notice it, not sure why. something in those magic Mervin beans i guess…..
August 4, 2011 at 9:55 amKeither,
So, logically the normal T.Rice 157 without HP must be Heavier than the average? Do you know if without HP, it is still a fun board and ride about the same?
August 4, 2011 at 4:47 pmFrank, Lib’s are usually a bit heavier but you adjust to it. After one run, I didn’t notice the weight.
Ian, I haven’t ridden a previous year so it’s a comparison of specs/details to see if anything has changed. I’ll see what I can find out. The 2011 version I rode is blunted nose/tail.
August 4, 2011 at 10:32 pmShay, what’s the difference in feel between the Rice and the TRS
August 8, 2011 at 9:19 amShay,
That board is actually the normal construction TRice 57. The ride is pretty similar between the two models. The biggest difference I notice is that the Horsepower makes the board a lighter and damper ride.
Ian- The construction and specs are the same for this season. If you like the feel of the Horsepower check out the Birdman and Magic Banana at lib-tech.com. They are both Horsepower construction and have different specs than the TRice.
August 8, 2011 at 9:25 amThanks Trotter. I wondered that myself if it was really horsepower since the weight was more than expected.
Just fixed this review, this was the regular version, not horsepower.
August 8, 2011 at 9:59 amShay
Since we cannot see the tip and the tail of your picture… it was the black tip and tail version? (black tip and tail = normal version of T.Rice)
August 8, 2011 at 10:02 amFrank, Trotter who gave me the board said it was the normal version.
August 22, 2011 at 1:37 amShay,
I’d like to buy this snowboard. I’m about 70kg and 178cm… Which size do you suggest?
Shayboarder’s 2012 Top Picks – Shayboarder.com
August 22, 2011 at 9:19 am[…] Lib Tech T.Rice […]
August 22, 2011 at 9:39 amYes, but 153 or 157? My old snowboard is 157cm but I’d like to try something shorter…
August 22, 2011 at 8:09 pmMaste, try the 153cm then if you want something shorter.
August 31, 2011 at 7:58 pmHey Shay, i was wondering, since the board you rode has a blunt tip, how did it do in pow?
September 3, 2011 at 11:02 pmJerry, I rode the Trice in late spring at Mammoth so no pow at the time I rode it. I’ll see if I can take it out on a pow day this winter.
September 4, 2011 at 6:48 amI have the T.Rice in a 153. The blunt tip doesn’t effect anything in pow. If you see, lots of other boards have blunt tips (Jones Flagship, Jones Hovercraft, etc.)
September 4, 2011 at 4:05 pmThanks Rico for your comment!
September 13, 2011 at 8:58 pmI was curious….im 6’2 190 intermediate rider, we have a lot of hard pack and ice, some pow and I have been working on a few small jumps…I have read your review on both the attack banana and the Trice pro….would you recommend the Trice 157 or the Attack Banana 159 for me?…..Currently Im running a Burton Joystick 161.5….I like it but looking for something new, fun, and maybe a little smaller to work on some small jumps!
Thanks Shay, love the reviews!
September 22, 2011 at 8:52 pmTyler, that’s tough I think highly of both boards. Boot size would determine a lot and which board might be better. Also if you want something softer than your joystick, you might find neither board the right choice. Definitely a smaller size would be more playful, easier to ride, maneueverability and fun on jumps. Personally the 157cm would be a good difference from the 161 you have and the 159 isn’t much difference.
October 7, 2011 at 1:12 pmi just read the last comments on this and when i look at the attack banana, it looks wider than the t rice but it may just be graffics i was deciding between those two and the NS proto which i absolutely looved when i demo it but it did bounce around on chop! i just bought the t rice 153 i didnt realize it was a mid wide :/ i have a 9.5-10 boot you think this will be too wide and affect like turning? i like tree runs a lot on pow days! i also have a ’10 151 capita ultra fear! which i loooooove! i was looking for a more charging board for days at mammoth etc wondering on your thoughts? also i just saw that gnu riders choice pickle looks interesting too
October 7, 2011 at 8:42 pmNah, I have a 9.5 boot. It’s still pretty quick edge to edge. It’s a sick board, you’ll like it if you like a stiffer board.
October 9, 2011 at 2:31 ami acually dont like stiff boards at all but i heard this t rice is a lil more soft playful, than previous years. i have all soft boards and kinda was thinking i wanted a more big resort charging board that i can still play around with
October 9, 2011 at 9:40 amIt started out stiff and after around 15-20 days they soften up a bit to maybe around a medium-medium stiff flex. It’s not a crazy stiff board in my opinion, so don’t worry about it.
October 11, 2011 at 6:43 amI have a size 8 boot and ride a regular 157 TRice. Yes, I will admit, it was a little wide at first and took some getting used to, but not I find the extra width is awesome, especially in pow. I agree with Rico, it’s stiff, but not crazy stiff, definitely still jib-able. At slower speeds I find it SLIGHTLY slower edge to edge, but at normal speeds it handles great. I feel that (and my friends have said it after riding my board) this board gives you a new sense of confidence, makes you ride faster and charge harder. Definitely my go-to board for all conditions. I’ve never ridden the HP version, but I checked it out in the shop and you can for sure feel the weight difference.
October 13, 2011 at 9:32 pmDavid, if I could ride the Trice and feel fine with size 8 boots, you could ride it for sure. The Trice you see there is a demo board from P3 so maybe next time in Mammoth, head by the shop and demo it. It definitely handles chop better than the Proto and ultrafear.
Keither, thanks for your input!
November 29, 2011 at 3:20 amHello Shay,
I am a woman, 5’8″ 150 lbs shoe size 9.5 US female.
Normally I choose boards (men’s boards) at 156 and waist width around 24.8.
I like to ride stiffer boards (medium to stiff)
At this moment I ride a Flow Infinite 156 and a Salomon sick stick 156.
I would like to add a Lib Tech board this year, but all boards I considered are not available in my size where I come from.
(Considered a Jamie Lynn 154 and a GNU Billy Goat 156).
I now you are a far better rider than I am, I am only a few weeks a year on the snow. Would the Travis Rice Pro 153 with a waist of 25.3 be too slow edge to edge for me and my specs?
November 29, 2011 at 9:41 amHeidi,
You’d definitely notice the Trice is slower edge to edge than the Lynn or Billy Goat. Of those boards, if you like stiff and quick, the Billy Goat is a good ride without being too wide for you.
November 29, 2011 at 10:52 amThanks for the answer Shay.
But I can only get the Billy Goat 159 at this moment.
Maybe it is better to wait another year then and try to order a Billy Goat 156 2012/2013 in the beginning of the year 2012, in spring.
November 30, 2011 at 4:26 pmHey Shay,
Torn between a T.rice or BSOD. Want to add something stiffer that will charge hard and fast and also be able to float well in pow to my quiver. Already have an Uninc and a Hero. Which board will better round out my quiver? Thanks for the help!
December 2, 2011 at 4:27 pmHeidi, Hmm yeah maybe try Billy Goat another year.
Baker, I’d say the BSOD since you want something stiffer. Or maybe consider Billy Goat as an option.
February 8, 2012 at 12:10 pmHi Shay, love to hear your opinion! I’m another female rider who has only ridden mens boards, started riding back in ’87, east coast Snowshoe, WV last 6yrs (only 3hrs drive) and try and get a week+ out west every year (Whistler-Blackcomb our favorite). Been riding a 158 ’06 Burton CustomX for bombing runs in the morning and ’06 Burton Dominant for playing in park and around. Last year replaced the Dominant with a ’11 Ride Machete, LOVE IT except when it’s icy. So this year decided time to find a board that will be all mountain but still be able to bomb groomers carving hard and fast (custom x awsome!!!!), hold an edge in chop and ice AND be awesome on powder when lucky enough to get (going to Whistler Blackcomb 3 weeks please keep on snowing!!!) AND be able to play on some boxes and maybe rails which CustomX not good. So I ordered and just received today via UPS the 157 Trice Pro HP Blunt. I wear size 9 mens boots, 5’8″ wght 155, what are your thoughts on my liking this board? Thank you for any comments or insight!
February 9, 2012 at 2:21 pmCindy, awesome to have another female rider on the mountain! I think you’ll find the Trice totally capable of the icy days and really stable charging for all the other days plus it’s still a fun board. Your boot size fits the board better than mine did so I don’t think you’ll have any issues, you might find it wider than your custom since it’s a midwide and your custom was regular but I’d get out on it riding and really check it out for yourself. It’s definitely a board you could take to Whistler and it’d destroy the mountain
February 10, 2012 at 8:14 amHi Cindy,
Will be curious to know your review also after your test of your new Trice 157 HP
It is on my which List new board since I do ride Lib Lando 160 BTX 2009…
I do have you same size 9US but heavier and taller a bit than you
February 14, 2012 at 5:31 amHi Shay!! This is long review, only way to do justice! The Trice hp pro 157 blunt is AWESOME!!!!!! Also same with 161.5 hp pointy per my husband (he was riding a ’06 160 customX). We were lucky enough to get a 3 day weekend up at Snowshoe with best conditions of the season although COLD, -19 deg with wind chill Saturday, yesterday morning 0 (wind chill unknown but it was COLD), 9 deg at 3:30 when we left (per typical we leave when the clouds finally clear out, it’s sunny and blue skies). Over 10″ new snow through Sunday (2/12/12) morning
everything covered in snow and not too crazy with crowds, had a blast on the Trice’s. Had a blast on the Trice’s every day, all conditions too, including good ol’ ice. It’s true, the boards just handle anything and everything easily and super stable. We did what Shay did, took it easy on first couple of runs to get a feeling of boards, then just kept pushing the speed on groomers and popping off rollers and the guys on jumps (I skip because of really bad knee not worth risking bad landing) nose rolls, 180’s and surfing the banks along access trails, went over to the longest run on the mountain (approx. 1.5 miles) and had the best time ever on the 2 runs (1 only upper ½ of run open), we bombed 5 runs and bonus this was on a friday, low crowds. I did not have an issue nor did husband with the extra width and carving, only time there was any feeling it was wider was at slower speeds on flatter/flat areas but so not an issue. I personally found the 157 easy and fun to carve from tight and quick turns through bumps to big surf carves. The edges held through ice, crud and chop, the board powered through crud and chop, and no feeling of getting thrown off or losing an edge. Same through the heavier powder left here and there later in the day. BIG difference was on the 10” of fresh powder in the morning, really effortless, did not have to adjust weight to back leg nearly as much as with prior boards. The board just floated, so easy. That was a very nice break on the back leg ?. Another possible bonus was my knee did not bother me as much as it has in the past, not sure if it’s from the alieve I took or if related to the board absorbing more impact but time will tell. The weight was not an issue either, did help that my cartel bindings are lighter weight than hubby’s, his board is heavier but said not an issue while riding. We did not do any rails or boxes on the Trice’s, switched boards after lunch to play in parks. Not sure anyway with the wavy edges on rails or boxes, unless you just fifty it but we feel not worth risking a gouge from a cruddy rail/box edge (nothing like that at snowshoe or silvercreek parks), plus length to long anyway at 157 as my ride machete is a 155, which for me is perfect for rails and boxes. So to wrap it up, we both love love love the Trice boards and luckily first time out was for 3 day weekend with all conditions of snow to test it out. The Trice is awesome through all conditions and fun to ride as Shay said, enough of a difference that we are still talking about it. My husband wants to ride my 157 blunt through the jumps but I’m afraid to let him use it because he will want it, the pop really is noticeable plus. He said the 161.5 tail is loaded with pop. Jeez I have been riding with guys way to long I’m sounding like one. So from an older female rider this is the best board purchase and step up and made riding that much more fun. My husband says the same. We are looking that much more forward to our trip to Whistler-Blackcomb (Blackcomb is tops to us). BTW we are weekend warriors all season long since the late 80’s, NC ski slopes and the last 6 yrs at Snowshoe, WV and try to get at least one week out west. Shay, my husband has been to Mammoth 4x’s since ‘05 and he loves it, I have not and he’s not allowed again without me ? Frank get a Trice HP Pro but you will have to decide on length.
February 14, 2012 at 8:59 amThanks Cindy, yes T.Rice HP is certainly hot board and powerfull and light… True I do have a Dilemma between 157.5 HP or 161.5 HP regarding fast charging and wide sizing (long size does not bug me I am used) but I only have 9US boots and 165pds to 170pds
February 14, 2012 at 10:45 amFrancis is Frank? I wear size 9us men boots (burton hail) and perfect for the 157. I’m 5’8″ and the 157 felt right for length. Actually on the slopes the board feels longer (I was riding a 158 burton customX before) but not overpowering. For me the 161.5 seems to long looking at jt’s board but only riding it will tell. We’ll switch boards one of these weekends because jt (hubby) is bugging me to ride mine through the park and I’ll give in partly to ride his. I’ll let you know. Looking on line earlier the trice hp boards are selling out…
February 14, 2012 at 11:37 amThanks Cindy yes I am both Francis or Frank
Both test sizing or HP T.Rice? will be curious again about the difference you feel…
For sure the 157.5 is good and feel longer since it is C2 with 121cm effective hedges…
February 16, 2012 at 8:50 amIm looking for a big mountain board for stable pow landings and charging fast, but also be able to hit some bigger park kickers and still send some spins. really torn on getting a Trice 161.5 or an Attack Banana 160, I’m 5’11 160lb. After watching AOF it’s seems the trice is the obvious one, but I normally ride a 156 park pickle so I’m wondering would the trice be too aggressive especially in a 161.5 size to do anything but big pow lines? That’s the only reason Im considering the attack banana for a little more playful of a board, but still a big landing platform for big pow landings. Also which one is more responsive? I like quicker more responsive boards.
February 16, 2012 at 6:02 pmCindy, that’s awesome to hear! Stoked you guys both rode it and loved it! Thanks for sharing!
Danny, what’s your boot size. The Trice is a midwide so unless you need the extra width, it won’t be as responsive as the attack banana but both are still playful with the banana in them and definitely both are charging. Trice board is built for that of course but attack banana does just as fine.
February 17, 2012 at 12:14 amBoot size 11, which is pretty good on my 56 pickle and the 161 attack banana is for sure wider than that. Ok well I think personally I’m leaning for the attack banana but I just need to get to a shop and feel them out! Thanks for your help shay!
February 21, 2012 at 10:07 pmDanny, yeah get to a shop and check them out. See if the shop has any demos that you could try as well.
March 6, 2012 at 10:37 amCurrently riding a NS SL, used to ride the old timeless and concept TMS. I’m interested in picking up a T Rice in a 153. I’m 5’7″ 165 and a size 8 (DC judge). Wondering how big of an effect will the width have on turn initiation? I would demo the board but not really able to at this time, also looking at the Ride Arcade and NS Heritage boards.
March 6, 2012 at 3:53 pmLem, it’s definitely more width than you need but plenty of riders have been comfortable on the board without needing a mid wide. Best would be to demo the board and see if you think it’s too wide for your boot. I guess my question is why are you thinking the Trice?
March 7, 2012 at 9:02 pmI am actually looking for something that reminds me of the old ride timeless stick(one of my favorite boards of all time). Reading reviews about the T Rice everyone mentioned how the board loved to bomb down and is super agressive(like the timeless was). I currently ride a NS SL and while I like the board anything at or over 40mph board seems to get a little squirrely when flat-basing.
March 12, 2012 at 8:23 amHey, I have boot size 13. Will I have toe or heel drag with board size 157? Thanks!
March 13, 2012 at 12:49 pmGabor, what’s your current waist width you are riding? The 157 Trice is a 25.8 so might be doable depending on your stance width and angles.
March 27, 2012 at 5:44 ammy stance is 23,5 and angles are +15 / -15. i ride a never summer revolver 156 with 26.1 waist width.
March 28, 2012 at 9:41 amGabor, you should be fine with your boots on the board.
March 28, 2012 at 2:55 pmHi Shay i have boot size 10, is Trice 157 be too wide for me ?