It was like Christmas for snowboarders. When I went to bed last night there was a bit of dusting on the ground but when I woke up, I found a foot of snow on my truck and knee deep on the ground in town. The mountain was sure to be more than that so I dragged my sick self out of bed (sorry powder is a cure for the cold), waxed up the powder board and headed to Main Lodge at Mammoth.
My truck this morning when I wiped off some snow
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The best part of today was the minimal crowds on chair #1. I skated into the singles line and headed straight up to get my first in for the day. I sit next to Ashley the snow reporter and since she gets in early every morning, she was my first text to find out how deep it really was. She said 1-2ft so pow board it was. After that, I texted a couple friends Daniel and Jeremy to see when they would be up.
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The conditions up top of chair #1 were windy, low visibility but powder to be found. I dressed warm and covered up with my facemask which made all the difference in enjoying the mountain this morning.
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Low visibility but all you had to do was point your board and turn. The first three chairlift runs were the best because everytime you still had turns to yourself and there were few other tracks. I played in the trees but also enjoyed some of the wide open terrain just off of chair #1. The morning was awesome but definitely a reminder that the new snow was still covering up some hidden rocks on the mountain. Don’t get me wrong though, the mountain was awesome in the powder.
My turns
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For the last couple runs I met up with Daniel and Jeremy to follow them to find some more pow. By then runs were started to get tracked out and bumpy. It was some good turns before heading in to Main Lodge to see what was going on with Premature Jibulation.
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Since the storm rolled in, they decided to postpone Premature Jibulation till December 4th, you can stay in touch with the updates about the contest on the Rome California Facebook Page. I returned the Rome Agent Rocker that I borrowed to the Rome guys and crawled into bed so sick shay could get better. This cold and cough has got to go away but of course I couldn’t deny a powder day like today!
Tweets that mention Mammoth 11/20/10 – --
November 20, 2010 at 5:38 pm[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by shayboarder and Shred Union, Girls Learn To Ride. Girls Learn To Ride said: Mammoth 11/20/10 […]
Jason Budden
November 20, 2010 at 6:21 pmSigh. /me cries.
November 21, 2010 at 9:27 amHope you feel better soon shay, pow day was so good u still had to get out and do some shreddin
November 22, 2010 at 6:45 amget some Shay! Deepness
gonna drive 5AM Weds from Golden to get the same kinda goods at the ‘boat (taking my son to see Rodger Waters the night before – thus the early AM drive). We’ll miss ya opening day!