A couple days ago it was like summer and I was starting to wonder when if the switch to winter would ever happen. I know October is early but Mammoth opened in October last year so there’s definite possibilities for early snowfall here. Luckily my wish came true and delivered a couple inches of new snow on the mountains today. I saw the flakes begin last night and throughout today delivering some white happy snowflakes that I have come to love so much.
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My favorite place to go with my dog is Horseshoe Lake so we headed there after work for some play time in the snow
(if you click on the image it’ll go bigger!)
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I personally love any type of tree with snowfall on it especially when the sun is trying to shine through the trees
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We did a hike in the snow to McLoud Lake where my dog Capita decided that as a true snowdog that meant playing in the water as well as the snow! I tried to stop her but she was too happy to play in both.
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Myself enjoying the snow hike!
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The sun caught a row of trees beyond the lake as we made our hike back to the truck
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Who knows if this snow will stick but I like how beautiful it makes everything outside. Hoping on some more snow and some friends to come visit…perhaps a session in store
Brett Johnson
October 5, 2010 at 9:16 pmLooks quite different than when I visited this weekend! Love the wide angle shot of Horseshoe Lake.
October 6, 2010 at 2:36 amWow, beautiful pictures Shay! Unfortunately we still have a couple more months till we some of that here in Michigan.
October 6, 2010 at 9:10 amEnjoyed the pictures. Looks like you had a great time with your dog. Poor little thing must have been freezing after going in the water. My dog ( a miniature pinscher) shivers at 50 degrees haha
Eric Kageyama
October 6, 2010 at 9:24 amGreat pics! Love seeing all the photos. Keep ’em coming! Looks like you’re adjusting well. Gotta love it! Stay safe.
October 6, 2010 at 9:27 amBeautiful pictures, can’t wait for more snow! You’re dog is really cute – lol he looks just like mine. Mine is a beagle mix maybe a min pin not sure hates the water though, what’s your pup’s breed?
October 6, 2010 at 10:17 amGreat pics! If you keep this up you will get a lot of followers with SnowMan quitting today. I wish you good luck and hope this takes off for you. If you start posting daily reports I will link it around =)
October 7, 2010 at 1:13 amDamnnnn you already got snow xD
I really really envy you,
It will take time, until it snows at 700 meters.
Besides the way, how high is Mammoth?
Wish you all the best for you new Season in Mammoth
October 7, 2010 at 4:28 amwell, its 65 degrees here today… in ontario. so warm and flat. we’ve got it made! meh… my boards are sitting in a storage unit right now anyway. hopefully you get an early opening this year shay. we’re still over a month away from the notorious first opening at horseshoe where there will be one run open filled with the riders jonesing from a long off-season.
Martin Beran
October 7, 2010 at 9:05 amno big deal but there is rain in WA! (not bragging or anything)
Marcia Ann Rubin
October 11, 2010 at 10:11 pmJust came across your blog, those pics are gorgeous! Burning in L.A. at the moment, would give anything to feel some crisp, mountain air. Can’t wait to ride Mammoth, looks like a promising season.
October 12, 2010 at 6:34 pmThanks everyone! Really glad you like the photos, it was a fun day and hike in the snow!
Chrissy, she’s a beagle mix. I think beagle/boxer but not totally sure.
Brendan, I post up photos and reports every day that I ride. Just check under shred journal and you’ll see the previous ones from this summer at Hood.