Today was the day to rest up, sleep in and finally head to the doctor to find out what’s going on. Over the past couple days a sore throat and swollen tongue have been bothering me enough to visit the doctor who let me know it’s tonsillitis and prescribed some meds to help me out. After the doctor I had planned to head straight to the mountain to ride the park and finish out session 4 on-snow. Keri had texted me saying it was super windy and not to come up, but the bluebird skies made me still head up to the mountain to check it out. I made sure to splurge for a blizzard to make my mouth feel better.
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I ended up heading up straight to Windells, endured some high speed winds on the chairlift. Palmer was only letting people load if you had 4 to the lift and once on the lift, you just bundled up and tried to get through the windy ride up the mountain. Due to the cold and winds on the mountain, the camp was pretty much empty when I showed up.
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Needless to say it was a short day on the slopes for me, doctor appt and winds made me realize taking a nap was the better choice than trying to battle the mountain.
After a successful nap it was time to end session 4 on campus with the dis-orientation where the kids get a bunch of freebies and feedback from their coaches.
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A beautiful drawing on accomplishments. The thumb covers up the word smell…
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Plenty of freebies getting handed out to campers
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Now it’s a couple days to relax before session 5 begins! I ended last night with the adult house to hang out with them and had a blast. Definitely stoked for some down time now!
martin beran
July 19, 2010 at 7:06 pmhaha that snail is killin it