Location: Breckenridge, CO
Snow Conditions: Mixture of hardpacked to slushy groomers.
Setup: I rode the Lib Tech TRS C2 with my Union bastardized bindings and Vans Veil Boots size 8.
Size: 151cm.
First Impression: The addition of C2 to the TRS really delivers a total ripper series.
Weight: Average
Flex: The TRS is that good middle of the road, medium flex that lets it handle the entire mountain from the park to freeriding. It’s stiffer in the nose and tail but softer torsionally between the bindings so you can get quick response from edge to edge. The TRS for 10-11 has C2 technology which is banana rocker between the bindings and camber from the inserts to the contact points.
Turning: The TRS was easy to initiate into each turn with quick edge to edge response. It’s one of those board that lets you enjoy the ride whether you want to go slow or cruise fast. Both short and long radius turns felt comfortable on the TRS and you definitely felt the board power through each turn and deliver you into the next turn.
Stable: The addition of C2 technology to the TRS gave it more stability than when I rode it with BTX two years ago. On the really bumpy, choppy snow it didn’t absorb as well and felt the board get bumped around but that could also be the smaller size. On hardpacked groomers, no problem handling some speed down the mountain but a bigger size would have been more suitable for charging.
Pop: Decent pop off the rollers and for ollies. I took it on a couple boxes in the park and no catching, easy to maneuver even though the base was a bit sticky.
Switch: Riding switch was okay on the TRS, not the same as if it was twin but with the directional sidecut you had to adjust to how it handled.
Overall Impression: The TRS continues to be the do-it all board, total ripper series it was named after and I think the C2 addition makes it even more of a do-it all board for the mountain. For bigger mountains I would have sized up but for park laps at Breck the 151cm was fine for handling and freeriding.
Shay’s Honesty Box: The TRS continues to dominate the mountain as a ripper and was a blast to ride at Breckenridge. This was the first time I’ve encountered the slow base with the TRS, it definitely needed a wax and was really slow to ride because of it.
Ready to buy? Head over to evo for the Lib Tech TRS C2 BTX or shop their full line of K2 snowboards
On Snow Photo
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Lib Tech TRS C2 BTX description
[singlepic id=9114 w=500 h=1012 mode=watermark float=]
Review Disclosure: I rode this board at a demo day.
June 14, 2010 at 6:20 amHi Shay,
Good review… I used to have a TRS BTX (model 2007) and right now I still have my Lando (model 2008) and despite that Lib Tech are super fun board, I am so agree with you for the base wax… mine needs wax almost after every ride, it seems that there base do not keep the wax on and the cosmetic chips a bit… but for the rest this is a Fun board
“This was the first time I’ve encountered the slow base with the TRS, it definitely needed a wax and was really slow to ride because of it.”
June 16, 2010 at 12:46 pmThe TNT bases don’t hold wax very well on Libs. The sintered UHMW or whatever it’s called is a harder base and holds wax much better. I wish they’d put it on all their boards. I’ve really liked the Wax-Infused base on the Gnu Street Series. I have a T-Rice and my buddy has a Street, he waxes once to my three. He used to ride an MCKink which has the TNT base and HE would wax three times to my one. I’ve heard the same from other people who ride Libs. I only buy Mervin boards with the sintered base (not TNT) for that reason. The TNT base is much softer too, but easier to fix gouges, where as the sintered base takes a beating without much damage, but is harder to work with.
Regardless, I LOVE MERVIN!!!
June 16, 2010 at 12:48 pmOh and good review Shay, your blog kicks.
June 16, 2010 at 1:54 pmHi Keither,
THANKS for the clarification! I know more now why my Lando is Hight Maintenance on base… My Lando 2009 must be a TNT base since the 2010 Lando is TNT
Make sens now,… and will make sure to look at it, if I go again with Mervin, I and get at least Sintered base
August 22, 2010 at 7:09 pmFYI,,lib bases in general are slow and don’t hold wax well regardless of whether or not it’s TNT.
Burton and Rome bases are MUCH higher quality, faster, and hold wax better.
September 6, 2010 at 9:11 pm@ Yan, sorry but that is total bullshit, more than half of Burton’s bases are junk, you need to spend at least $500 on a Burton to get a decent sintered base. Rome’s bases are sintered, but it’s a cheaper plastic, unlike the Lib’s UHMW sintered bases. And Lib’s bases aren’t slow at all, just the TNT base doesn’t hold wax as well as the others. You’re only slow if you don’t wax
Just like any other board. In my opinion, my TRice has the best base I’ve ever ridden. Fast and Bombproof. I don’t know how many times I’ve ridden over or landed on a flurry of chocolate chips and and sharkfins then instantly thought “That’s it, my base is done, my edges are gone” only to take off my board and look underneath to find minor scratches.
FYI, burton and rome have the highest return rate percentage wise for core snaps and delams. Ask any shop that carries them.
alan martin
September 14, 2010 at 11:04 ami want…… got a2009/10 trs btx and it is the best deck i’ve had. rides a bit like my old uninc with the channel set up, similar flex but i had 2 of those in 1 season, base diecut seperation and snapped core put me off burton but they replaced both times. went back to lib and staying there. awesome and in powder just off the hook!would like to try c2btx buddy’s got trice and swears by it. yeah man great boards, want a new lando! and yeah wax before you ride everytime it’s better in the long run and the more you wax the better the base gets, you do notice if you don’t. shred on!
September 16, 2010 at 2:24 pmAny thoughts on this vs the Travis Rice 2011? What are the differences? On spec they seem pretty similar.
September 17, 2010 at 10:21 amSchnell, the Trice is a midwide, TRS is regular. Trice has the sintered UWMH base, TRS has TNT base. Just some of the major differences, I’m sure the flex is completely different but I haven’t ridden the Trice to know for sure.
September 30, 2010 at 1:05 pmTRice is stiff as hell, I think it’s a 7-8 out of ten for stiffness. Awesome for charging.
Rome too, they can rot in the same hole as Burton.
But because of banana between your feet, you can still jib it. I own a 157cm and I’m 150lbs and I can still jib it even though I’m not a big guy. It’s my all around deck. It’s pretty wide, like 25.8. For strictly park though, I’d size down, and maybe go with the TRS cause it’s not as stiff. Or go with the Gnu Danny Kass in 153, super badass board and it doesn’t have the TNT base like the TRS. Man I should work in a shop. But then I’d only sell Mervin and Capita decks and tell everyone that Burton went bankrupt
October 8, 2010 at 1:14 pmYou dont really seem to like Burton and Rome, do you keither xD?
November 3, 2010 at 2:16 pmHi there,
what length do I need on the TRS?
Got the Lando from last last year. In 160 it seems to long for me, also too stiff. Felt like riding an oak tree. After some runs it got much better.
Anyway. This season I want to try a TRS in 157 or 154 ?
I’m about 5.9 tall and weigh 150 pounds.
Most of times I ride the whole mountain, not only park.
The board that I had before the Lando was a Burton Custom in 156 which felt pretty good.
One thing I liked about my Lando were the soid landings … compared to the Burton …
So, I need help as I want to order within the next days.
Best regards
November 4, 2010 at 10:14 amHi TB,
Depending how hard you want to charge on the whole mountain, TRS 157 and 154 can work for you. I am 5’10, 170 lbs and used to have TRS Btx 154 (fun fun but a bit too small for me to charge) since I do have the Lando 2008 BTX 160 (fun fun too but TNT base high maintenance and slow a bit) In Mervin if you want good base and have enough money try to avoid TNT base in my opinion. Seems that Gnu for you shape will have more choices like the Danny Kass C2 155, or Altered Genetic C2 155 or if you want to stay with Lib maybe Dark Series C2 155 or the new limited Banana Attach 156 if you can make a hand on it
November 4, 2010 at 8:28 pmTB, definitely size it down a bit your 160 is more than you need for your weight. The 154-157 sizes would be fine for you. If you ride the whole mountain go for the 157 but really why the trs, mervinsnow threw out some other great options like the DK or Dark Series. What do you plan to ride? Where do you ride and the percentage, like 80% freeride, 20% jumps?
November 27, 2010 at 3:27 pmLib tech bases suck. the reason is they use a tearing process to keep it eco friendly and they don’t hold wax at all. if you don’t have time to wax your board every day or two or just don’t want to, its not the board for you.
they are really a high maintenance board to own. between fixing impacted edges because they use low VOC glues that are far below the industry standard, cleaning the nose and tail up with a razor blade because they don’t wrap their edges like everyone else.
not to mention, to make boards like they do, they need to charge about 20% more than anyone else (so if you want a comparable board to say a custom or agent you need to shell out $700).
they created a visual technology and have marketed the hell out of it, but don’t for one second think that LIB is really a value-conscious purchase. they are for people who A) don’t ride hard B)have tons of money and don’t mind or C)those who chain themselves to trees and watch whale wars.
One reason for all the positive praise is, more people are trying them out and technology/construction is ever expanding. What most people fail to consider is any board will ride better than your 3 year old board with old technology.
they are riding the hype wave, but it will come crashing down soon enough. people will come to their senses eventually when they buy one and their edge blows apart dropping it in the parking lot.
December 8, 2010 at 9:41 amjust got a trice 157…. tons of fun.
Decently fast, but it was super powder when i was riding it (right after a huge storm dumping 5-8 feet), therefore I was really charging.
I dont understand why mervin wont completely wrap there edges? I have asked every Mervin rep i come in contact with, and they cant answer either… one said well you dont need edges there and looked at me silly… another said its lighter weight. I say bullshit to both of them, but i still like my board. That said, i am a huge Nitro fan, and they dont seem to get any love.
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December 10, 2010 at 7:10 pm[…] Hopefully this will help some. Snowboard Review: 10-11 Lib Tech TRS C2 BTX – Shayboarder.com […]
July 6, 2011 at 5:20 pmshay can i ask your height and weight? just wondering because i’m considering sizes in the trs