You know your life is easy when the only decision you make in the morning is what mountain to snowboard at. I had made the decision to skip out on Steamboat’s closing day in order to ride Breckenridge for the BSG demo day but a couple factors were involved.
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A couple factors helped make the decision:
#1 I wanted to snowboard versus drink
#2 I needed to try some late season demos for a couple of you guys (whoever asked for the TRS is the reason I woke up at 8am from my warm comfortable bed)
#3 Steamboat was closing the lifts 2 hours early for closing day but Breck would be running normal life hours.
All those factored in and made it easy to decide to skip closing day festivities in order to get my snowboard shred fix with demos. I didn’t regret the decision at all today, I woke up after 8am to hit the road and made the easy bluebird drive to Breckenridge 2 hours away where I texted my friends once I got into town. I made it to the demo tents by 10:30am and by 11am was getting on the first demo of the day.
Props to Boulder Snowboarding Group for getting the demo day together, the tents were packed with people trying out new boards.
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I met up with Lauren and Madison to shred for most of the day. Throughout the day we were joined by Trent and his son Trent or Zac and his friends or Matt. It was a fun collection of random people to make laps with.
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I ended up riding the O-matic Louie Vito Celebrity (won for best pop of the day), Lib Tech TRS C2 (continuing to make the TRS that all around ride), Forum Holy Moly (it’s one of those love or hate relationships, I happened to fall in the middle) and Technine Team Dennison (really the best for cutting through the cruddy bumpy slush at the end of the day). I was able to take out the Technine with the mass appeal men’s bindings (not the best fit but rideable) and then I took them out without highbacks. We got some video of it and I will be doing the no-back experience write up soon.
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Industry talk between Drago and Mervin’s Nicole
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Matt had the camera after filming and got a shot of me riding from afar
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Brandbase’s Trent Bush teaching his son Trent proper technique/drilling tactics for demo days. Start the education process young, in this photo they are removing my highbacks.
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A certain Never Summer rider had problems with getting out of rear entry bindings (hilarious to watch)
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We ended the afternoon with the park which was all slush, of course Park Lane riding is above my park ability level and I could only hit a couple of the features in there so I focused on getting photos of the guys off the jump line. I did hit this first flat down box most of the day but the smaller features felt more comfortable.
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Zac getting the end of season spray slash in
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Tweets that mention Breckenridge 4/11/10 – --
April 11, 2010 at 7:19 pm[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by shayboarder and, Girls Learn To Ride. Girls Learn To Ride said: Breckenridge 4/11/10: You know your life is easy when the only decision you make in the morning is what mountain t… […]
April 11, 2010 at 11:36 pmHey Shay,
It was me who requested the TRS review! Thanks again for waking up at 8am and making the journey
Hope you had a great day, plenty of laughs and a couple of beers at the end of the day!
April 12, 2010 at 5:13 amSo, how was the TRS? I am super interested in it for next season.
April 12, 2010 at 6:39 amJustin, no problem
I just remember waking up and doing a last minute “hmm should I go or stay in bed” and then I thought “no i promised I would ride the TRS” which made me get out of bed. It was a great day!
TRS with C2 will get a review but definitely takes the total ripper series to a more stable freeriding place. I rode the 151 narrow version and the flexes change per size so it’ll be interesting to see how it handles when I try it in the normal size (definitely plan on doing).
April 12, 2010 at 9:42 amThat shot by Matt is pretty epic.
April 16, 2010 at 5:25 pmYo Shay! This is Michael from the BSG. Awesome blog! Thanks for the props, Glad you made it up to test some decks! I should have tested out the Vito, It was on my list but I totally spaced it! My fav for the day I think was the TechNine Magoon. That thing just killed it for butters and spins off of little side features, didn’t get a chance to test it in the park but I imagine it would stomp anything there too! Great blog!
A look back at my 2009-2010 season so far –
July 7, 2010 at 6:36 am[…] Breckenridge 4/11/10: It was Steamboat’s closing day and I knew my last closing day at Steamboat since I’d soon be moving away. However the mtn decided to close early and I wanted to spend the day riding (not partying) so with Breckenridge having a on-snow demo by BSG I made my way down to actually use the day to ride. Best decision ever, got to ride with friends and try out more gear that you guys wanted more of. I wasn’t bummed to miss out on Steamboat but felt it was time to not be there anymore. […]