Even though the snow is melting and our snowboarding season is coming to an end, the crew at AMP energy want to treat you with AMP goodies that will keep your summer amped up. If you live in the United States or Canada, here’s your chance to win a AMP prize pack that includes the new AMP energy juice, an iTouch and a branded AMP beanie with built-in speakers to plug into your new iTouch.
This contest will run one week so you have until Wednesday, April 21st at 10pm to get entered into the contest! A winner will be announced soon after.
What gets you amped up for a day of snowboarding?
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To be entered into the AMP Prize Pack Giveaway follow these steps:
1. Leave a comment with the required information: Name and Email address. Your email address will be only visible to me unless you include it in the comment as well.
2. Leave a comment that says what gets you amped up for a day of snowboarding?
3. I’ll be picking a winner after April 21st who will take home a AMP prize pack to make your summer that much better for passing time until the flakes fall again.
Restrictions: This contest is only limited to US and Canadian residents.
joey yorba
April 14, 2010 at 10:29 amJoey Yorba (joey.yorba@gmail.com)
I get amped to ride knowing that when i’m on the hill from the top of the chair to the bottom of the chair…i’m free. free from work, free from life’s problems….i can just cruise, slash, and ride whatever i want… I get amped knowing i don’t have to worry about anything else in the entire world other than snowboarding.
Elizabeth Vlug
April 14, 2010 at 10:29 amFor a day of snowboarding I love to listen to good old rock and roll.
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April 14, 2010 at 10:31 am[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by shayboarder and shredunion.com, Girls Learn To Ride. Girls Learn To Ride said: AMP UP Prize Pack Giveaway!: Even though the snow is melting and our snowboarding season is coming to an end, the … http://bit.ly/buVcDf […]
jerry danger
April 14, 2010 at 10:51 amwhat gets me amped? besides amped energy of course is to go play! It does not matter how old you are, when you are out there, either by yourself or with your homies, it makes you feel like a kid to snowboard. all we are doing is playing and goofing off and haveing fun. that gets me amped. oh, and landing a cool trick nevers hurts either.
April 14, 2010 at 10:52 amHi Shay,
For me I am amped up to ride snowboard … It makes me feel as a teenage kid of 15 years old (even if I am 38 now ) with all the adrenaline and adventure on the Mountain! It is more than just a sport; it is now part of my lifestyle and passion, with everything that goes around, Mountain trip around the world and so on…
April 14, 2010 at 11:02 amI’m amped about snowboarding 24/7 not just when I’m about to go ride. It’s the best way to hang with your friends, it gives me good reason to travel and the lifestyle that is snowboarding includes the raddest people alive! I’m amped just thinking about it…
Peter Ciambriello
April 14, 2010 at 11:08 amThe best part of snowboarding for me is that when I wake up in the morning knowing that I’m a coach,That means I’m going snowboarding. I love snowboarding so much, it’s ridiculous.
MIke Schmeiske
April 14, 2010 at 11:08 amWhat gets me amped is the wildness of the sport. It is so diverse, from slaying park booters to hiking your favorite ridgeline to get the best technical pow line you can. The open ended nature of snowboarding makes every day unique, fresh, and full of slashing possibilities! There is nothing else in the world that gets me as excited as snowboarding does and it keeps me innovative, positively influences my progression, and ultimately my love for my double-edged samurai sword.
April 14, 2010 at 11:26 amWhat gets me amped up for snowboarding? I’ll tell you. The morning I get out of bed, I don’t roll or crawl, I f*ckin’ ninja kick-jump right up onto the floor. I immediately shotgun an Amp energy drink, turn the shower on cold, and blast “Eye Of The Tiger” by Survivor through the HiFi system in my bathroom. I don’t turn the heat up because I have to desensitize myself to the cold before I get on the mountain. I scream along to the words (my neighbors would get upset but they’re afraid to approach me because I am a formidable presence during my morning wake-up routine so they stay quiet), then hop out and start to air dry. Next on the playlist? Of course its “The Final Countdown” by Europe, why would you even question that? I brush my teeth, I floss because I believe in good dental health, and then I run a few laps up and down my hallway to finish drying off.
After that, I put on my clothes, get all my gear wrangled up, and drive to the mountain. I stay pretty stoked for the whole car drive, then the excitement of snowboarding kicks in just as my morning regiment’s pump-upitude starts to wear off.
dominic palarchio
April 14, 2010 at 11:54 ami get amped to snowboard every single time i go out there to ride. the thing that really gets me amped is when i arrive at the hill seeing all the amazing park features freshly groomed/raked on a beautiful spring day knowing that i have a huge crew of freinds to ride with that are almost as amped (which is still extremely amped)as i am to shred the slush all day long. taking hot laps through the park jibbing every thing in sight including any of the following but not limited to trees(dead or alive), bamboo poles, rocks, rails, barells, signs, fences, cans, or other peoples snowboards. Overall just being stoked to hang out with my good freinds while haveing fun.
i never really thought about it in this sort of way as in writting it down and reading what gets me amped. but thanks for giving me the opurtunity to becuase i just realized my favorite parts of snowboarding becuase riding alone wouldnt be half as fun.
Lawrence Lo
April 14, 2010 at 12:16 pmalways amped! amped watchin snowboard vids! amped drivin to the slopes. so amped can’t even sleep before a day of riding! amped gettin dressed! amped to be on the chairlift up! amped shreddin it!
also amped to win this!
April 14, 2010 at 12:20 pmFreedom gets me amped. Snowboard is the ultimate freedom.
April 14, 2010 at 12:46 pmSnowflakes get me amped for snowboarding. Straight up! Everytime i see a snowflake…whether its falling fresh, whether i see it in a movie or if its just laying on the ground as i go past it. There’s nothing better to get a snowboarder “Amped” then the sight of fluffy, white snow. Shred the Gnar !!
April 14, 2010 at 3:46 pmI get amped thing about the “hot, nasty, bad ass speed”!
April 14, 2010 at 6:39 pmWhat gets me amped is when I first catch a glimpse of the mountains on my way up to ride. booooo summer
April 14, 2010 at 10:18 pmI get amped off of the high that is Snowboarding. If I know I’m heading up I can’t sleep cause I’m too amped about riding. I just love to shred. Even the worst day of riding is better than the best day of work, and knowing this gets me even more amped for the shred. Whether I win this or not, I’m still gonna be amped for boarding everyday I wake up. I love this sport and the freedom it allows me to have.
Eric V
April 15, 2010 at 5:53 amIts all about breaking away from the mundane work week. Loosening up. And just being free.
April 15, 2010 at 7:27 amWhat get’s me Amped? Knowing that I’ll be flying down a mountain, loving every second of if, without thinking about the past or the future. The moment is all that matters.
April 15, 2010 at 8:50 amBeing an older board, i’d say it’s the smaller things that get me amped. Starting with that first glimpse of looking out the window that morning and the excitement you feel when you see that it really did dump. The anticipation while putting your gear on as fast as possible to catch fresh tracks. The camaraderie of seeing fellow boarders/skiers rushing to the lift lines with you. Having the patience to not just hit that first main run because it’s fresh, but moving to your well hidden spot that you know takes 2 more chairs to get to. The moment you turn into those tree’s and drop down your spot. That feeling while your are turning throw that powder in your spot. The feeling of joy that you got just after that first run. Sharing that feeling with friends on the way up to hit it again and again. The end of the day having a beer where nobody has to say anything because you all know how good of day it was.
Those are the feelings/memories/ emotions that get me amped.
Party Time
April 15, 2010 at 9:48 amWhat gets me amped to ride? Knowing that no matter what the conditions, location, or time of day, me and my friends are having the best time of our lives. Happens every time. No one can take that.
April 15, 2010 at 10:20 amim amped on what steve says.and if he doesnt win ill poke myself in the eye. seriously hehas the best comment here.
Brek Leines
April 15, 2010 at 12:14 pmThe thing that gets me amped for snowboarding is the thought and the ability to paint the mountain with creativity. From riding a big mountain line to jibbing in the park. Theres always a new way to ride something and everybody brings there own style and taste to the mountain. Thats what gets me amped, being able to dream within reality and also being able to share that creativity with the kids i get to coach. its an amazing feeling to help somebody have a good time and be creative in what you love most.
Good memories and good lifestyle
April 15, 2010 at 3:35 pmI get amped in the morning by listening to some music. On the drive to the resort I usually watch a snowboard movie on my iPod and listen to more music. I imagine all the fun I will be having and the new tricks I will learn that day with my friends and by this point I can’t wait to ride!
Jeremy C
April 16, 2010 at 2:46 amShort and sweet… Snow amps me up!
Derek V
April 16, 2010 at 4:30 pmWhat gets me amped? Good friends, good rides and lots of powder!
Tommy L
April 17, 2010 at 12:32 pmI’m a snowboard instructor and the thing that gets me amped for snowboarding is watching my students progress from timid first-timers to fearless shredders. Seeing them progress reminds me of the good old days when it wasn’t about, who could do the coolest trick or who was the fastest. It was about having fun.
April 17, 2010 at 2:11 pmJust seeing snow gets me amped. I’m in Florida for work and already counting the days until winter returns.
April 17, 2010 at 9:05 pmIt seems like just yesterday that I met Snowboarding. Before her, I used to be with her close friend, Skiing. Things were ok with me and Skiing in the early stages, we would go on frequent outings for pizza and french fries together, but as I started to spend time with Snowboarding it became clear she was the one for me.
Now, she didn’t make it easy for me, leaving me bruised both physically and emotionally, but that wasn’t enough to make me lose interest in the pursuit. It was discouraging at times, and we argued. I knew that Skiing would probably take me back, but I just knew that we weren’t right together.
As we spent more time together, our relationship became much smoother. I was with her almost every day of the winter. Occasionally I would try to move too quickly with her, and she was quick to let me know that she was no tramp. We would need to get to know each other more before she would let me take this relationship to new levels with her.
After a beautiful winter together Spring came, and we found it best to go our separate ways. It saddened me, but she promised that she would come calling again soon next winter. This has been our routine for years now. I’m already anxiously awaiting her call, and I can’t wait to see her again next season.
She opens my eyes to the wonders of nature, and allows me to escape to my personal mental retreat where the tv is off and the cell reception doesn’t exist. Our preferred dates together have always been first chair on pow days, even if it means waking up well before dawn for the long drive ahead. She lets me be me, whether I want to just cruise and lay some slashes, or spice things ‘ up in the relationship and hit the snow park. She always inspires me to travel to new parts of the world and experience it with her. It seems like just yesterday that I met Snowboarding, but now I can’t imagine my life without Her. She is my inspiration, and my passion. She is my love, and I’ll never let her go.
April 18, 2010 at 1:48 pmWhat gets me amped up is check the weather forecast daily starting Monday, for our saturday shred day. I get up earlier for snowboarding than I do for work!
Getting together with friends and family, making the hour drive up to Hood, and pushing each other to progress on the mountain is what gets me Amped for shredding. It’s more than just snowboarding, it’s the road sodas, greasy breakfast, and alcoholic libations afterwards.
Jonathan Tollefson
April 19, 2010 at 7:43 amWhat gets me amped about a day of snowboarding, and that I can let everything else in life fade away. Also knowing that I am going to be going out and doing something that I am passionte about is enough to get me amped. Love the sport, love riding with close friends, and meeting new people through a sport that I could participate in everyday!
April 19, 2010 at 9:23 amwow freddy’s love letter to snowboarding in hilarious!
April 20, 2010 at 3:32 pmSimply having the ability and privilege to ride is what gets me Amped! After overshooting a kicker and suffering a compression fracture in my vertebrae this season, I realized how lucky I am to not only be able to ride but to even walk. I am Amped up to ride next season and know now how much snowboarding means to me. I hate not being able to ride and could not imagine life without snow! If that doesn’t get you amped up what will?
April 20, 2010 at 6:03 pmI get amped when I wake up to fresh snow on my porch and bluebird skies. When my car, Mr. Swank B, is loaded down with boards, booze, and gear. I get amped when I land a trick in my dreams and then land it on the mountain. When I get a new board and when I ride the first board I ever had. I get super amped when the boys call and tell me they’ve set up a new rail, box or feature for me and that we will be grilling out in the park. I get amped at first chair when I see my snowboarding family and know I’m home. When I see new chicks, young chicks, older chicks killing it on the mountain. But mainly I get amped standing on the top of the mountain waiting to take my first run of the day, breathing in the crisp mountain air and knowing at that moment that’s exactly where I belong. (even if it lands me in the hospital time and again)
April 20, 2010 at 9:40 pmA big dump on a weekday, then calling in sick to work, then showing up to the office the next day with a goggle tan – that gets me amped!
April 21, 2010 at 8:24 amC’mon Shay. You know you want to give me this hook-up. What gets me amped? Snarky snowboard blogs of course. That and pretty much anything that features Gigi Ruf.
I need new music in my life.
April 21, 2010 at 8:28 amWhat gets me amped for a day of snowboarding is just the thought of going! I don’t get to go very often so just the idea of shredding down the mountain side gets me pumped!
Nothing is better then the feeling you get knowing you just had a great day boarding….
April 21, 2010 at 11:45 amPow or Not. I wake up, get the coffee going, eat some good food, and kick the boot dryers on. Shortly after that I throw on some first layer thermals and hop on my lap top and load up one of my favorite riders on video. Today it happens to be Torestein Horgmo’s top to bottom run at Northstar in Lake Tahoe! Anyone that has seen it knows the lap he takes at Northstar is moving, inspiring, over the top, and dam near flawless.
Seeing riders like that really moves me to keep on riding, push it harder and surpass my own limits. I may or may not get to that level but I’m 12 years deep into riding and I am always constinetly learning. But not everyone gets to own thier own board, gear, or even have money to participate in this sport. I am so thankfull to be alive and healthly enough to have the ability to pursue one of my strongest passions.
To be able to make it out to a moutain like Park City or Bear Mtn, ride lines in the back country, or even have a fun session at a local hill in Minneapolis is such great feeling. Its almost like my daily life is put on hold while being on any of those locatio. I’m so greatful that I own my gear, that I can throw on some great tunes (well until I had broke my ipod due to a nasty fall!), and ride with or without friends 12 years later is epic progression in it self. Wether the conditions are EPIC or not so great the experiences and memories I gain from snowboarding AMPS me up to board any day of the week from NOW and BEYOND!
Hopefully this link works:
This is Torestein’s run @ Tahoe!
Zakk the Bear
April 21, 2010 at 1:23 pmthe mountains. getting away from everything and bringing some friends to shred with. magically spring days in the park, throwing snowballs. Epic waist deep pow days and just your normal groomer day. The fact that the mountain is there is what gets me up for dawn patrol.
omar dean
April 21, 2010 at 7:13 pmPow or Not. I wake up, get the coffee going, eat some good food, and kick the boot dryers on. Shortly after that I throw on some first layer thermals and hop on my lap top and load up one of my favorite riders on video. Today it happens to be Torestein Horgmo’s top to bottom run at Northstar in Lake Tahoe! Anyone that has seen it knows the lap he takes at Northstar is moving, inspiring, over the top, and dam near flawless.
Seeing riders like that really moves me to keep on riding, push it harder and surpass my own limits. I may or may not get to that level but I’m 12 years deep into riding and I am always constinetly learning. But not everyone gets to own thier own board, gear, or even have money to participate in this sport. I am so thankfull to be alive and healthly enough to have the ability to pursue one of my strongest passions.
To be able to make it out to a moutain like Park City or Bear Mtn, ride lines in the back country, or even have a fun session at a local hill in Minneapolis is such great feeling. Its almost like my daily life is put on hold while being on any of those locations. The fact that I have my own gear, can throw on some great tunes (well until I had broke my ipod dut to a nasty fall!), ride with or without friends 12 years later is epic progression in it self. Wether the conditions are EPIC or not so great the experiences and memories I gain from snowboarding amps me up to board any day of the week from NOW and BEYOND!
April 21, 2010 at 10:43 pmAwesome! The contest has ended! I’ll be announcing a winner shortly! Thanks everyone for participating and sharing what gets you amped up!