Last Wednesday I announced a contest with AMP that would get you stoked on the season, the prize pack included the new AMP energy juice, a branded AMP beanie with built-in speakers and a iTouch. All you had to do was tell me what gets you amped up for a day of snowboarding and the responses were endless.
I ended the contest on Wednesday night at 10pm and now am ready to announce a winner. There was one stand out from the beginning that really answered the question but made it fun to read and very visual in his writing.
A huge thanks to AMP for throwing in such great prizes for my readers!
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AMP UP Prize Pack Giveaway WINNER: Steve!
Here is what gets Steve amped up for a day of snowboarding…
What gets me amped up for snowboarding? I’ll tell you. The morning I get out of bed, I don’t roll or crawl, I f*ckin’ ninja kick-jump right up onto the floor. I immediately shotgun an Amp energy drink, turn the shower on cold, and blast “Eye Of The Tiger” by Survivor through the HiFi system in my bathroom. I don’t turn the heat up because I have to desensitize myself to the cold before I get on the mountain. I scream along to the words (my neighbors would get upset but they’re afraid to approach me because I am a formidable presence during my morning wake-up routine so they stay quiet), then hop out and start to air dry. Next on the playlist? Of course its “The Final Countdown” by Europe, why would you even question that? I brush my teeth, I floss because I believe in good dental health, and then I run a few laps up and down my hallway to finish drying off.
After that, I put on my clothes, get all my gear wrangled up, and drive to the mountain. I stay pretty stoked for the whole car drive, then the excitement of snowboarding kicks in just as my morning regiment’s pump-upitude starts to wear off.
Congrats to Steve and everyone who entered the contest, we had some great entries and it was tough to decide a winner!
Tweets that mention AMP UP Prize Pack Giveaway WINNER! – --
April 23, 2010 at 9:57 am[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by shayboarder and, Girls Learn To Ride. Girls Learn To Ride said: AMP UP Prize Pack Giveaway WINNER! […]
April 23, 2010 at 12:40 pmThanks a ton Shay! So stoked!
April 23, 2010 at 2:59 pmthank god! now i dont have to poke my eye out!
martin beran
April 23, 2010 at 3:41 pmdamn – i totally missed that contest