I grew up in the pacific northwest so no matter where I move around the country, home is always Seattle, Washington. So I’ll be heading to Seattle this weekend to spend time with family, visit friends and for shredding.
I’ll be visiting a couple snowboard companies while in Seattle, borrowing board/bindings from C3 (thank you Johan) and writing about my adventures from the road. This trip includes company visits (two new ones), snowboarding Stevens Pass & Summit at Snoqualmei and a day at Summit East for the Holy Oly 2010! It’s a quick trip so I’ll be back in the rockies by Sunday morning just in time for some laps in Summit County before heading home.
If you are remotely near Snoqualmie Pass, head up this Saturday to Holy Oly! It’s a blast to watch the huge quarterpipe action and shred…plus there’s cobradogs & beer on hand to fill you up. I am stoked to head back to watch the action and see some friends throw down.
[singlepic id=7738 w=555 h=851 float=]
If you come to the Holy Oly, come find me and say hi! I’ll still be updating the blog from the road but with less opportunity to mail out stickers and chat until I get back to Colorado.
huckleberry hart
February 17, 2010 at 12:32 pmpartyyyyy!
February 17, 2010 at 2:29 pmIt will be awesome to finally meet you in person. Heh are you going to be wearing the same jacket you wore last year so you can be spotted you easily?
February 17, 2010 at 2:45 pmWe’ll most likely be seeing you as well. We plan to be at the Summit on Saturday.
Brek Leines
February 18, 2010 at 12:15 amI know ill be at the holy oly saturday to! should be sunny! n full of shred, hot dogs n beer! im excited! ill prolly be in a poncho or red jacket! you doin any riding?
February 18, 2010 at 9:12 pmHuck, most definitely!
Fes, it would be great to meet you in person. I’ll be wearing what I typically wear this year, bright red pants and the 686 blue krew jacket…it’s in most of my pics.
Megabitch, yes!!!! See you Saturday!
Brek, Awesome I will be riding my home shred of summit central! Stoked for silver fir turns again! Lets meet up!