My gear never really gets stored in the summer since I snowboard year round but today was the first day where I set up the new gear and cleaned up last years gear so it’s ready to go for opening day.
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Each year I try not to get too much gear because I know how many days I’ll spend at demos and because I test products I’ll receive new gear pretty quickly once the season is underway. I wanted to try a wider range of companies so I received two full setups to rock this winter, Capita/Union and Burton that will add to my Never Summer quiver collection.
Burton Malolo 158cm with Burton Scribe EST bindings
There’s a couple reasons why I wanted this setup. First it’s been years since I’ve owned Burton but they are always consistent at demos, second I wanted to check the durability and how I liked EST over a season (not just a couple demo days) and third cause both the bindings and board were favorites at demos this year. When it came time to decide on a powder board I went back to tapered but also chose the S rocker to try out.
The Scribe EST bindings have the ankle strap that widens so looking forward to spending the season and plenty of pow days on these bindings. The setup is my entirely pow day board and binding.
Capita Ultrafear FK 155cm and Union Force SL bindings
It came down to two boards from Capita, Indoor Survival or Ultrafear and the ultrafear arrived on my front door. Having never ridden it, it will be the most interesting board in the collection this year and one I can give an opinion on finally (had many requests about the model).
The Union Force SL’s were a favorite last year but I got the Forces which I loved as well but the SL’s are my all-time favorite from Union. This year I get to rock them and they will be my main binding which means at the end of the season they will get the 100-day review. I’ll be switching them between boards since I’m giving my old Forces to a friend in need.
Never Summer Circuit-R 155cm
The newest addition of boards to try is the circuit-r for this year, now with reverse camber it’ll be a fun ride and probably my rock/early season/late season board.
Never Summer Lotus-R 157cm
As soon as the season is well underway the Lotus-R will become my everything board since it handles the whole mountain. I received plenty of days last year riding this board so it is still a favorite.
Never Summer Evo-R 155cm
The evo-r was my fun board of choice last season and it’ll continue to be there this season. Now that it’s a tad softer and way more playful I won’t be riding it everywhere on the mountain but it’ll be good for park days.
Not shown is my Capita BSOD which is retired.
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Vans Veil Boots Size 8
I bought them late this summer and almost have them broken in finally. They are a stiffer women’s boot and I’ve loved this boot for years (omni to veil). It lasts long and continues to support me during the winter.
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Bonfire Geo Boots Size 8
These were the boots at Windell’s Camp and I’m stoked to get to keep riding them, especially for early season where a soft comfortable boot will be just right.
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I love outerwear so it’s no surprise that I tend to get more outerwear than I need. This year I’ve acquired a mix of outerwear between 686, Analog, DC and Neff to add to the collection depending on the time of year. It’s a good assortment for the varying conditions, from warm to cold days and with enough mm ratings to keep me dry even though Colorado is pretty dry. The majority of 686 pictures are here and the Analog/Neff/DC pictures are here.
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My hands stay pretty warm during the season and if you ever ride with me, you’ll notice I take my gloves off on the chairlift ride because they are warm. I typically ride in pipe gloves because of that, except for the rare really cold days then I’ll get out a warmer set of gloves. This year I’ll be trying the Rome MFR Gloves as my main glove, POW Shocker gloves (for the fun factor) and Drop Precious II gloves for the really cold days.
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The majority of this winter will be split between two models of goggles: Smith Heiress and Ashbury Kaleidoscope. The Heiress’s are my overcast/powder day goggle because the lens is perfect for those days and it fits my face the best (no fogging). The Ashbury’s are my bluebird/sunny goggles because of the mirrored lens and fit. The Oakleys are my backup-backup goggle just in case, I should buy a new lens for them this year so I can sport them again.
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Living in Steamboat means living in snow from November to April, it’s rare to not see snow on the ground during those times. That means I’m always wearing beanies/touques around town to stay warm. A couple of these I wear on the mountain but the majority are just hanging out hats. I have a mix of Neff, Coal, Holden, Casual Industrees, Capita, Burton and the beloved New Era/Future Snowboarding Magazine Cap.
October 4, 2009 at 4:00 pmlooking good- that looks like a fun quiver to play with- plus all the demos you will get to. I am gonna be rocking a couple different boards- mostly all come from sales or bartering with friends. I have a Ride Prophet 159, Burton Jussi 159 with ICS, Rome Notch165, Nitro T1 156, Steepwater Plow 162, Prior Backcountry Spitboard 170… should be a fun season!!!!
Tweets that mention Gearing up for the season – --
October 4, 2009 at 4:24 pm[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by said: our girl Shay ~ Gearing up for the season: My gear never really gets stored in the summer since .. […]
October 4, 2009 at 7:00 pmOh baby you’ve got a nice quiver! Looking forward to your malolo/ scribe review. want to get one for my wife.
October 4, 2009 at 8:34 pmWhen does your season end in Colorado and where do you ride between seasons.
When is your free board giveaway in San Francisco?
October 4, 2009 at 9:45 pmThanks Paris! Definitely stoked on the quiver and a good mix of demos in between these boards. Sick on your quiver and wow on the steepwater that would be sick to try!
Bdawg, the malolo and scribe reviews are up…I rode them both in February and loved them both. Stoked to see how the malolo is for the powder riding here, but on groomers I was impressed.
Fore, Colorado starts in October and ends in June. I usually ride the 10,000 feet leftover snow in June-September which is mostly a rail park. In August I usually head to Mt Hood to ride there for a couple days, this year I did the last session of Windell’s and it was awesome!
I haven’t announced the giveaway yet…I’m hoping to on October 12th, still dialing it in.
October 4, 2009 at 10:09 pmYou should get a pair of Flux to ride long term. Seems like you always enjoy riding them on demos. Would be interesting to se how you like them over time.
October 5, 2009 at 5:31 amjealous….
October 5, 2009 at 5:40 amI got an EST Custom with Cartels last season. I was never a big Burton fan, but when I demoed the est system I just could not ignore the whole feel of it. I ride mostly groomers, park and pipe. Mine held up well riding in Ontario and out west at Whistler even with all the talk of EST systems busting up a lot in the first year they where released. So it would be interested to see how it holds on the big hills all the time. I ride a Rome machine on rails. I see more and more people now going into the season with different boards for different days and areas on the hill (it has probably been like that for a while with shredheads… I am just noticing it now!)
October 5, 2009 at 5:46 amHay Shay, nice collection, especially the jackets. I almost bought the Neff softshall that you have, Neff’s jacket and beanies are really nice. Look forward to see you trying out demos on these jerseys. Oh~ and don’t forget to show us you got more new things, please~ We’d love to see. :p
Steezy Beezee
October 5, 2009 at 6:29 amLots of RC/rocker there. Sick setup!
October 5, 2009 at 7:37 am*Drool* The NS Evo-R is shredalicious!
I’m still rocking my 05/06 Evo 155, and loving it.
This season I gotta get new pants. Gore-Tex all the way. I’ve had my eye on the Burton AK series, but I’m VERY open for suggestions.
October 5, 2009 at 7:42 amShay…I know it takes up more hosting space but I TOTALLY miss being able to click and get a high res picture…
Gear looks great! What’s the main difference between the Force’s and Force SL? TIA!
Lou G.
October 5, 2009 at 9:48 amShay, how about protective gear? I know you’ve been getting a lot more involved with your freestyle progression so will you be rocking any padded shorts/helmets for the coming season?
lee durfee
October 5, 2009 at 4:00 pmhey FLuiD
Difference between the bindings is weight. SL has a cored out baseplate this year, and has asymetrical highbacks. Last year it ran a regular stage 2 baseplate like the Force runs..pretty sure the straps are the to the union site.its up and running now to compare the two better. both are great bindings though.
October 5, 2009 at 8:48 pmFes, I know it was one of the losses when I switched to the new platform is photos and taking the time to resize them. I’m still looking at options and dealing with photos when it comes to SIA time where people really want to see shots up close.
Thanks Lee for taking the Force/Force SL question, appreciate it! The highback is different from Force to Force SL. Both are great bindings and I like the lighter weight of the SL’s as an added bonus but my Forces were great as well.
Lou G, Ahhhh yes the loaded question. I don’t need padded shorts since I have an ass…it’s just a bonus perk of having an ass. I currently do not have a helmet and I rarely ride in one. I know accidents happen and I take that risk snowboarding of all the dangers, so I have yet to open myself to riding with a helmet. Knock on wood and I just ride within my limits.
October 6, 2009 at 5:21 amThose accidents like head injuries only have to happen once. Like you I didn’t ride with a Helmet at first until I started instructing and actually witnessed the results of not wearing a helmet and most of them happened on flats even to some experienced riders. In the end its still everyone’s personal choice and risk you take, but more and more parks are making it mandatory and it just takes a few more fatal head injuries to make it to the media till they become mandatory everywhere!
October 6, 2009 at 9:19 amI havea feeling you will have that malolo for years
I really enjoy mine from several season back with the TC graphics
Outerwear…it’s what I got « FrontLipped
November 25, 2009 at 10:45 pm[…] November 26, 2009 I didn’t want to miss the boat, so, since I’ve read a bunch of other blogs about what people will be geared up with this winter, I decided to hop on the […]
Outerwear…it’s what I got | Snowboarding Blog
November 27, 2009 at 7:59 pm[…] didn’t want to miss the boat, so, since I’ve read a bunch of other blogs about what people will be geared up with this winter, I decided to hop on the […]