It’s that time of year for your input on the upcoming reviews for the 2009-2010 season! With temperatures dropping and snow on the way, that means it’s another season of reviews approaching. I need your input on what boards/bindings to ride and review this season, what boards don’t have reviews, what gear you want to know more about and what I should ride this season?
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So far for 2009-2010, I have ridden 43 snowboards that are in the review list here and the 09-10 season hasn’t even started so that means I have a lot more time to ride more 09-10 snowboards. There’s still a couple 09-10 reviews on the way.
I welcome all responses for all types of boards/bindings, the most popular requested gear will go to the top of the list and this list will be in my pocket all season as I cross it off and write up a review on it. I understand that online reviews are hard to come by, some companies/models are even harder to find reviews on which is why I want your input on what you want to be reviewed. The demo season in CO starts from November to March and I’ll work on getting more gear to ride for longer periods of time this year.
Just remember I ride both men’s and women’s boards and bindings. I’ll be reviewing based on my riding style which varies from freeriding to trees to powder to pipe to park. I’m not the best park rider but I’m progressing at it. I’ve already rode some models for this upcoming 09-10 season, here’s the list of snowboards and bindings. Some stuff I plan to ride again, but let me know if you have something you’d like to see ridden again.
If you want me to ride something, to review it…post a comment (anyone can do it) and tell me what you want me to ride.
September 14, 2009 at 10:57 amPlease please please review the Burton Malolo!
September 14, 2009 at 10:59 amBurton Custom V Rocker
September 14, 2009 at 11:02 amVancity Allie, I already rode the 09-10 Malolo review is here but I will have a lot more days on it this season since I just picked it up as my powder board for the winter…so I’ll be updating that review throughout the season.
Andrew, Definitely the custom V-rocker is on the list!
September 14, 2009 at 11:05 ami’m liking the reviews on the smaller brands. for my input, i’d be stoked to have you review some of the compatriot boards now that they are making shorter sizes like a 51, 53, or 55. have you reviewed the Compatriot brunch tray or the stepchild E.S. yet?
September 14, 2009 at 11:14 amLib-Tech Jamie Lynn Phoenix
GNU Altered Genetics
Rossignol Diva Mag
Rome Blue
If I can think of any others, I’ll definitely add it to the list.
September 14, 2009 at 11:15 amHow about the K2 Slayblade? I know the Eco-pop has the flatline shape, but I’m curious how it rides.
September 14, 2009 at 11:25 amGood Point DI, I’ll definitely look into Compatriot for reviewing. Smaller brands means I need to go through them to get a board to review, since they usually aren’t at demo days. I haven’t rode the Stepchild ES yet, but I’ll work on that (typically I can ride Stepchild when I go to Whistler each year in April).
Fes, Awesome list of men’s and women’s board…adding them to my list.
Schmeiske, Great choice and one I want to try!
September 14, 2009 at 11:39 amI want to see the K2 Jibstick as well as Slayblade, Believer and Parkstar reviewed. I’m interested in flat camber at the moment. I’d also like to see everything from Lib with C2 btx on it reviewed. Also, I have to admit being interested in Ride (Machete and DH2). Finally. Does no one like the signal Omni? I was hoping that would be an interesting all-around board.
September 14, 2009 at 12:00 pmShay, do reviews on lib tech, capita, thirtytwo, union, weekend, and yes.
September 14, 2009 at 12:23 pmany of the following would be appreciated… lots of new RC stuff out there this year…
chillydog stuff, especially the youngblood
ultrafear FK
this year’s horrorscope FK compared to last year’s
any changes in the www rocker for this year?
k2 parkstar
all of burton’s many versions of RC (blunt vs. hero vs. ?)
gnu street series
this year’s banana
omatic extr-eco wigglestick
nitro rook
postermania 1985
any of salomon’s RC
yes typography
men’s contraband bindings with v-grip strap, especially the nitrane
burton infidel
forum shaka
lamar V6 (i kid i kid…)
September 14, 2009 at 12:54 pmI would like to see reviews on Signal boards like the park series’s, I know you already reviewed the Park Rocker(which i bought on a steal deal) and have yet to ride it. I would like to supporting smaller company’s so thats why I’m asking. And Signal boards are very limited around these parts.
September 14, 2009 at 1:30 pmi would love to see some more Bataleon please!! and the k2 eco pop and airdu.
interested to see how Rides new thong strap binding feels too
Cheers Shay, luv the site
September 14, 2009 at 1:43 pmHi Shay,
My pick are:
K2 Slayblade 156 or 158
GNU Danny Kass 155 with the C2
Capita Ultrafear FK 155
Dupraz D1
K2 Auto Ever
Union Force SL or MC
Ride Nitrane with the V Strap (contraband)
Thanks a lot
September 14, 2009 at 3:45 pmK2 Fling or K2 Airdu
September 14, 2009 at 3:54 pmCAPiTA Black Death Inc.
CAPiTA Ultrafear FK.
CAPiTA Charlie Slasher – For your own enjoyment!
CAPiTA Indoor Survival – Traditional Camber
Union Force SL – Comparison to last years especially.
September 14, 2009 at 7:19 pmI’m interested in the Lib Dark Series C2BTX and of course the 1986 SNOW MULLET BTX! I think that one is going to be my new pow stick this season.
September 14, 2009 at 7:38 pm– A comparison between this year’s Horrorscope FK and last year’s.
– CAPiTA Charlie Slasher
– Burton Cartels
Thank you for all the work you put into your site.
September 14, 2009 at 7:45 pmBurton Feel Good es, 152 I hear it’s a bit softer this year…
September 14, 2009 at 8:44 pmHow ’bout some Ed Hardy boards. I hear they’re rad to the power of sick.
Steven Ness
September 14, 2009 at 8:59 pmShay ….. reviews on the K2 slayblade/Ride machete are definitely in order given all the recent hype. The reviews in “trans” are pretty general, and don’t provide enough info for one to narrow the choices out there. Also, a review of the Burton Custom V Rocker or the Joystick (they seem like the same board) would be cool. After you’re done with that could you get me a beer …… [ just kidding : ) ]
September 14, 2009 at 10:22 pmBataleon Airobic. Wicked flexy and mad playful.
Brek Leines
September 14, 2009 at 11:25 pmCapita – charlie slasher
Capita – Space metal Fantasty fk
union – data
union – force mc
union – force sl
Gnu – Danny Kass ( love this board )
Lib – Travis Rice
Lib – Burtner box scratcher
Bonfire boots
THIRTYTWO OUTERWEAR- just a post though
All Ive got for now haha
September 14, 2009 at 11:40 pmUnion Force SL
anything Capita, specifically the new Black Death Inc.
audio helmets
Dylan Shredz
September 15, 2009 at 12:51 amHey Shay!! I know you know the hype on Forums Shaka Bindings with the flexible baseplate to get rid of the dead zone under the binders. But is it worth the risk to have noodly bindings too!? I mean it doesn’t get any noodlier than my Horrorscope :S Thanks Shay!
September 15, 2009 at 4:12 amHAhaha ed hardy boards.
Gnu B Pro with that C2 shit please!
September 15, 2009 at 5:43 ambataleon undisputed
lib-tech banana hammock
lib-tech mullet
gnu altered genetics
gnu billy goat
rossignol jones
salomon sick stick
salomon answer
capita charlie slasher
nitro gun
prior freeride
prior spearhead
prior amf rocker
venture storm
venture euphoria
venture zephyr
rad-air tanker
September 15, 2009 at 5:46 amAgree on the K2 boards. Slayblade and believer for sure. Also Ride Machete, TRice C2 BTX and Rome Notch 1985.
September 15, 2009 at 6:12 amYou already provide a terrific resource, and generously I might add. Since you are looking for ideas though… How about some reviews of resorts. ie, strengths and weaknesses regarding parks, pipes, bowls, trees, family oriented, competition oriented, ect. You could maybe throw us a bone on some of the out of the way and seldom travelled runs which are hidden gems at your favorite mountains. You seem to hit Steamboat, Breck, Copper, A-Basin, Loveland and Keystone alot. Which are your favorite runs and why? Each of these mountains are different. What do you like and dislike about each?
September 15, 2009 at 7:52 amShay,
It would be wicked if you could do a head to head of
Lib’s Phoenix (jamie’s and Lando’s) Vs. K2 Turbo dream
September 15, 2009 at 8:01 amHahaha if you touch an ed hardy board that would be the best! I agree with Laurens sarcasm lol.
In real life though the horrorscope and possibly the artifact 1985.
September 15, 2009 at 9:20 amyeah a head to head format would be awesome.
two noodle jib boards battling it out, two stiffer park boards, two pow boards…
because you are often choosing between two, maybe three pretty similar boards anyway, especially if you have a quiver of boards
September 15, 2009 at 9:31 amHi! Here’s my list:
Artec snowboards: (omega sidecut models)
Dupraz: D-1
O-matic: Boron and Awesome
Palmer: boards with FLF patent: Timeless and Crown
September 15, 2009 at 12:54 pmRome Postermania 1985
O-matic Celebrity
please go for it =)
September 15, 2009 at 5:54 pmRome Artifact or NS Circuit-R
(only if you have the time or feel like it)
September 15, 2009 at 8:35 pmMaybe just one post about what waxes you like.
September 16, 2009 at 8:27 amSalomon relay bindings, please! I see you didn’t get on with the toe strap last year tho’! I’m interested to know how the soft heelcup changes the feel of the binding without reducing responsiveness. Thanks, Al
September 16, 2009 at 8:35 amAwesome feedback! I’m making a list of all these boards/bindings so come November when demo season starts I’ll be on them right away. I have a couple of these in my collection this year as well.
Mike, thank you very much. I have set up the resource to do resort reviews, something I’m considering and thinking it through. Maybe I’ll write up about the mountains I ride here in CO and mention what you asked, go more in depth. I probably won’t give away gem spots because this is the internet and I hate seeing my favorite spots tracked out. I do post pics everyday I ride which I enjoy.
Mac, great idea!
Jeez on the Ed Hardy boards, haha if I see them at a demo you bet I will try them!
Keep up the input, looking forward to what models you want me to try.
September 16, 2009 at 11:48 amTry to get a hand on a BitchBoard or two so there’s some experienced judgement on how these things ride. Maybe I haven’t been looking hard enough, but the only “reviews” I’ve seen floating around the net aren’t by well-established sources. Almost all of them are on the deep ends of love or hate. Hard to tell if the commenter has actually ridden the board, is well-versed enough to form a good opinion, is simply hating for hating’s sake, or draws paychecks from the BitchBoard marketing dept. Frankly, I doubt the true experience is either fan-friggin-tastic or horri-berry-licious. It’d be nice to have some true and transparent reviews on this.
Annnnnnd while you’re at it, I second these:
CAPiTA Black Death Inc.
CAPiTA Ultrafear FK.
CAPiTA Charlie Slasher
CAPiTA Indoor Survival
Comaprison b/w new and prev Horrorscope
K2 Parkstar
K2 Jibstick
martin beran
September 17, 2009 at 9:18 amI would also like to see a review for the Rome Artifact and also the Ride Contraband bindings
September 21, 2009 at 12:54 pmYou did? AWESOME! We can be Malolo sisters… wooo! Can’t wait till you come back to Vancity… or till I come to you
October 21, 2009 at 4:44 pmCan you pleaaase review the Gnu B-Nice BTX series?
I can’t find reviews for it anywhere else. I’m really curious about the flex of the board, and I doubt I’ll be able to demo it (here in NJ).
October 27, 2009 at 4:57 amHey shay, can i second the artecs. My first board is/was a 2.3 and i would definitely be buying another artec if they only had some reverse camber to play with. I need someone with your experience to tell me im being an eejit and shouldnt buy into the hype!
please please have a look at these seemingly under-rated boards (i say seemingly because honestly, what the hell do i know? :))
November 14, 2009 at 5:35 pmLib lando Phoenix 160
November 27, 2009 at 7:59 pmSolomon Grip
Solomon Gypsy
Nitro Runaway Gullwing
Nitro Team Gullwing
December 14, 2009 at 1:26 am+1 for Salomon Grip
Also very interested in K2 Believer (zero camber this season) and Nitro Rook
September 27, 2010 at 11:49 amI’m not sure if it’s too late, but could you review the burton bullet snowboard?
Seems like a solid board in a good price range.