Two years ago today I wrote my first blog post on, a post that defined who I was and what the blog would become. Looking back on the journey this blog has taken me on; being able to interact with readers each day, hear stories, discuss products and meet new people every season is what makes it all worth it.
Even though it’s been two years, the past year has been such a leap from the first year. I’ve met people throughout the snowboarding industry who I’ve admired, I’ve met readers who share the same love for snowboarding and the site received a new look this year thanks to Mike for spending so much time with me to build a site that didn’t look cute. All the traveling to great events and contests: SIA, Telus Festival/Grenade Games, Windell’s, Holy Oly. Its been such a trip to be included, recognized and allowed to be Shayboarder at those locations. With the door now open to limited advertising that will help fund the site including trips, demos, checking out products and being able to make sure I make it to fun opportunities. I’ve remained the honest person I set out to be, never hiding who I was, what I looked like or my riding ability. I’ve worked hard and stayed up late nights, planned posts in advance and tried to make sure the content on this site would be something of value to my readers. I hope I’ve accomplished that and I look forward to the future blogging because I’m not done yet!
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To all the readers who check in and read each day, week, month…thank you! I am inspired because of everyone of the readers that leaves comments/emails or just reads the site from around the world. In two years I’ve talked with so many of you through email or chat and it is rad to hear that the reviews or articles have helped you in snowboarding. I am blown away by what a rad audience of readers I have and I love meeting you guys in person whether it’s through giveaways or on the slopes.
Thanks to my friends I’ve acquired through snowboarding that are my models and constant partners on the mountain. Riding everyday with you guys is amazing and I’m lucky to have friends willing to ride the best powder days and the leftover slush at the end of the season. I’m happy you look prettier than me and are willing to do tricks I can’t do intentionally. Cheers to the fun of being on the mountain laughing.
I am very lucky to have older industry gentlemen who have helped share their knowledge, guidance and wisdom to me. I may not ever become the dirty old men that you are, but I love you for treating me like one of the boys.
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While I was at snowboard camp, I received an email from a reader that I wanted to end this anniversary with because it’s honest and says a lot. Sometimes life isn’t great, there are hard and difficult times that we face, this year wasn’t easy for many of us with the rougher economy and snowboarding isn’t a cheap sport. But we continue to stay in love with snowboarding and push through the hard times.
Hello Shay:
I wanted to take the time to say thank you…I enjoy reading your blog, especially the reviews (hell with transworld’s good wood, too corporate). But thank you.
A little while ago you had posted the Blue Bird Wax buy a box deal and enter into the contest posted. Well, I bought a box after having read about it on your blog and oddly enough I won a Quicksilver Kit, Travis Rice Edition. I wanted to say thank you, because if it wasn’t for your post, I would have never checked them out and never bought a box. I’ve been having a shitty few months and that completely made my month, hell, my year. So, I wanted to say thank you, because for real, if it wasn’t for your post and your dedication to snowboarding and informing the rest of us on rad companies other than the big names, this wouldn’t have happened. I really appreciate all of your honest opinions as well as profiles of riders and industry heads. I wish you the best of luck and I can’t wait to keep reading what you have to say. Thank you again.
I hope you have a wonderful day and enjoy camp.
To the year ahead for and Happy Anniversary to the little blog that could! Thanks everyone for being a part of this.
August 19, 2009 at 7:01 amHappy birthday
August 19, 2009 at 7:31 amHi Shay
I really love to check your site. In fact on one site people were talking about snowboard mags they read and I suggested your site. To me it is the magazine that doesn’t exist. Lots of honest reviews by a real rider. Lots of industry info. Love it when you visit places like BOA etc. Interviews and info on different places. And great pictures.
Here’s to another good year.
Madeleine (the old snowboarder you met at Copper coffee shop)
August 19, 2009 at 8:17 amyeah shay boarder freaking ROCKS!!!
August 19, 2009 at 8:26 amCongrats on hitting the two year mark Shay, that’s like…15 or something in blogger years. I still owe you a beer as a return for the stoke you’ve provided when you’re next in PDX.
August 19, 2009 at 9:16 amHappy 2nd Anniversary, Shay. Thank you for creating this gem of a site. Love coming back here everyday. Looking forward to reading of more awesome articles here regarding my sport of choice for a long time.
August 19, 2009 at 12:10 pmI’m so glad the site is here too
I love all your posts, Shay =)
August 19, 2009 at 12:21 pmWell done Shay! Best wishes from Moscow!=)
August 19, 2009 at 1:14 pmCongratulations on your 2nd Anniversary! Keep up the fantastic work!!!!
August 19, 2009 at 1:42 pmhappy birthday shayboarder….
by the way saw the espn article. i was actually pretty stoked to see it. it was kinda cool cause i read your blog everyday, and see you on sierras forums.
August 19, 2009 at 3:14 pmDamn yeah! Happy Two Years!! Keep up the insanely great work!
August 20, 2009 at 5:18 amProud of you shay keep up the good work and ignore all those bad mouthin fools!
Steezy Beezee
August 20, 2009 at 6:48 amHappy 2nd year anniversary! even if I’m a bit late.
August 20, 2009 at 4:00 pmMadeleine, it was rad meeting you at Copper! Thanks so much for suggesting my site in the same level as magazine sites, appreciate it! I love stopping by companies especially when I travel, best thing to be able to see behind the scenes and show all my readers what I can see. Love sharing information with everyone.
It is so great to hear that everyone appreciates the site and definitely in blogger years it seems like such a long time but has gone by so quick and I still love it.
To another two years and if you meet me in person, stop and say hi!