I’ve worn black snowboard pants for a long time, I remember once going to beige and getting oil dripped on them and going back to black pants within months. I finally came out of my shell last season with a brighter jacket and opted to try something new this season, extend my style a bit more rainbow bright and less death rider.
DC Tazor Softshell Jacket
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I hit up my local snowboard shop, The Click to buy locally for my pants this time around and with the end of year sale prices. I had 3 choices of pants that fit me and I could walk out with: Special Blend black pants, Volcom baby blue pants and Analog bright red pants. All of the pants had the specs I was looking for, above 10,000 mm and enough pockets to satisfy me. After bringing in two of my jackets to try them on with the pants, I ended up walking out of the store with the Analog Perimeter pants in bright red. The best part is I get to try another brand of outerwear, I consistently rock 686 because I love it and will continue to but it’s fun to try others as well.
This year the 686 Snaggletooth jacket was my main jacket and next year I am hoping to pick up the Snaggletooth II jacket (which should match). I’ve also acquired 2 Neff softshell jackets at the sample sale and a DC softshell jacket thanks to my friend Jay for knowing I liked it and letting me have his for my birthday! I don’t consider myself a stylish snowboarder, I put on jacket and pants but I’ve noticed each year I am getting brighter and extending out my color opportunities. The one thing is it’s super easy to find me on the mountain, which can be good and bad.
Neff Jacket
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Neff Jawbreaker Softshell Jacket
[singlepic id=5172 w=300 h=450 float=]
686 Snaggletooth Jacket
[singlepic id=5170 w=300 h=450 float=]
I’ll probably still pick up black pants as the season approaches because they do match everything and when I head back to the NW to shred, I know I can spill my beer or have oil from the chairlift drip on them without worries.
686 Smarty Digi Print Jacket and Black Pants
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I think my favorite jacket/pant combo is the blue DC jacket right now but what do you guys think, was red a good choice?
July 8, 2009 at 7:40 amRed is absolutly a good choice. Being easy to spot is one of the most important factors when buying new gear.
Bright Basic colours as red and yellow has been big in Europe the last seasons. Baby blue was very big last year. Also check norwegian brand norrona / whiteout. Top gear in great colours.
July 8, 2009 at 8:55 amHaha I knew my bright crazy style would rub off on you, soon you’ll look like me and tj with pink pants and crazy bright jackets! I have red special blend pants that I love because if I wanna go bright I can wear a funky colored jacket, or if its a cold day I can throw on my white puffy, and if its a summer/warm session I can throw on a white t or black t and still be pimpin. Those pants look good shay, and they reflect your bright bubbly personality really well!
July 8, 2009 at 10:04 amI credit this to my recent immersion into painting our nursery, but… the first pic gave me flashbacks to a certain pic from halloween 2008. :D. I’m in that mode and the colors are spot on. I think my AG jacket is the perimeter… big zippers.
July 8, 2009 at 11:04 amI want my jacket back.
July 8, 2009 at 11:52 amThe red pants looks GREAT!! I love it! Now I can totally spot you on the hill! Looks so sick with the baby blue jacket!
I dunno if I’ll be as bright as you (I’ll tell ya why in a bit…
:D:D) … well, there’s always my bright blue helmet so just look for that hahaha
July 8, 2009 at 12:34 pmAwesome to hear Johan, the red definitely stands out which is nice to be spotted easily on the mountain. That’s a great brand, like the look of their outerwear!
thanks Adrian, you guys have definitely brushed off on me. I don’t think I could take tj’s brightness, he beats me with insane color combos.
haha Butress! Yay nice on the painting times! haha oh man yeah it is like my halloween costume, I forgot about that!
Jay, thanks buddy!
Lauren, yeah I really like them and how they look so far. I know what you’ll be rocking and I think you’ll still stand out even if I’m brighter.
July 8, 2009 at 3:00 pmDig the new pants Shay. You could say you’ve gone from Death Rider pre-kill, to Death Rider post-kill. To quote Edward Norton’s character in fight club when asked if that’s his blood on his shirt: “Some of it, yeah.” mouahahaha…. seriously though, those pants are dope.
July 8, 2009 at 7:43 pmhaha yeah I think I scared people this year when they were like “woah your jacket has a monster on it!” and I would reply with “RAWWWWWWWRRRRR” and my arms attacking.
July 9, 2009 at 12:36 amIt looks like in the first pictures that that’s the DC Tazer D softshell hoody. If it is I was wondering if you might be able to answer some questions about it because I’ve been looking for a softshell lately and I’ve seen some of DC’s and with the 10k waterproof rating and 10g breathability rating. I was wondering how do you like it as a jacket for snowboarding and just a hoody in general (if you wear it that way). I believe I read that the seams are not taped and I was wondering if that has had any affect on staying dry. I’ve also been looking at the 686 Mannual Field Insulated Jacket as a softshell and was wondering if you know how they might compare (since you’re a pretty big 686 fan) even though the 686 has a lower rating on both the waterproof (which is 8k) and breathability (which is 5g). Thanks!
July 9, 2009 at 6:31 amHell yeah the red pants rock. I like the bright color pants, but definitely understand the need to maintain a black pair. You’ve seen my lime green bonfires heh… I’ll rock em again this year, and maybe hit up a purple pair. Glad to see you branching out!!!
July 9, 2009 at 7:38 pmLee, Yep it is! I got this on my last day of resort riding and I haven’t been able to take it on the mountain yet so I can’t compare until I get some days in. It’ll be coming with me to Hood and any summer riding I do, so far I like it and I’ve worn it around town when it’s cold enough out. My friend Jay who gave it to me, wore it when we went riding and it seemed fine for him. I’ll have him come leave a comment to help answer your question.
JT, yep when we ride together it’ll be the rainbow bright posse.
July 9, 2009 at 8:12 pmI have bright red pants too…score for red pants! I have a pretty bizzare collection of stuff to snowboard in, bizzare meaning there is no rhyme or reason and generally I do what you do…put on pants and a jacket and go. Do you wear insulated or uninsulated board pants?
July 9, 2009 at 8:15 pmYeah I’m surprised my stuff goes well together so far, I thought I would look like christmas for some reason.
Awesome you got the bright red pants too Kristi! We are definitely going to shred this winter!
I try to get uninsulated pants, usually I get the 686 smarty pants and the inner pant comes out right away to become pajama pants. I get too hot with insulation, a nice breeze is nice.
July 9, 2009 at 8:21 pmI need to try some 686. I have to layer up like a marshmallow on top but on the bottom just prefer the uninsulated pants and a thin baselayer, I feel like it moves better. We TOTALLY need to shred this coming season… I go by myself a lot so I’m always looking for people to ride with. I might or might not make it up to St Mary’s on Saturday but either way won’t have a snowboard instead I will have my boyfriend who is visiting for the weekend but its still a gorgeous area to hike around…so maybe I’ll see ya up there
Also you have to remember the invite to stay here if you ever need to crash in Denver!
July 9, 2009 at 8:25 pmYeah I really like 686, I’ll let you know when Dave has a sample sale in Denver again then you can check it out and get it for insanely good prices. Marshmellow on top is sweet! I layer it up under my jacket each year.
Yeah definitely shred, you should hook up with Lauren, Adrian they always leave from Denver to ride alot! Then I meet them when I can, definitely when you travel to Steamboat lets go ride!
We should be there this weekend, waiting on the plan but definitely look for bright snowboarders.
July 10, 2009 at 5:49 amHow the hell do you know?! GET OUT OF MY HEAD!! Hahaha. This jacket I want is a very cute teal color, but regardless, you are still gonna be more noticeable haha
July 10, 2009 at 6:21 amhaha Adrian told me
Nice sounds awesome on the jacket!
July 10, 2009 at 8:33 am@Lee
The Tazer was mine before Shay stole it from me and I think I only wore it once or twice on snow. That said, it’s a good jacket for all but heavy and cold days. It also make a good off snow hoody. The only thing I didn’t like about was the full zipper through the hood. Kinda weird, but not too bad.
July 10, 2009 at 7:09 pmI love the combination of light Blue and red…
Gearing up for the season – Shayboarder.com
October 4, 2009 at 2:50 pm[…] I love outerwear so it’s no surprise that I tend to get more outerwear than I need. This year I’ve acquired a mix of outerwear between 686, Analog, DC and Neff to add to the collection depending on the time of year. It’s a good assortment for the varying conditions, from warm to cold days and with enough mm ratings to keep me dry even though Colorado is pretty dry. The majority of 686 pictures are here and the Analog/Neff/DC pictures are here. […]