I’ve come to the conclusion that summer is nice for a couple weeks but having year round snow in places makes it hard when it comes to taking a summer off from riding, it’s almost impossible. Today we ventured back to Breck to hit up the snow rail garden. It’s been a rad summer with friends who want to shred the leftover snow, meeting new friends in the process and having old friends come back to town. Today our crew was 7 people from various areas of the state: Adrian, Lauren, K, Scott, Erik, Frank and myself.
The road has been getting worse and this time with my truck crammed full of 7 people, it made it up but some bruised heads along the way. At the top we found that some awesome rails have made their way up to become a rail park for sessioning.
A whole line up of boards: Never Summer, O-matic, Capita, GNU, Rome and Ride
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A look at the diminishing snow/parking lot
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Today was also a quite busy day with another crew enjoying the snow, boarders in our group and skiers in theirs.
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We positioned our relax area complete with beverages and boards as chairs
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Lauren’s noseslide
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Erik 180’d out of this shot
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Frank’s 50/50
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Scott’s spin to win on the tube
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K’s frontside boardslide on the tube
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Adrian’s impressive skills on the flat down rail
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Lauren and myself, the only girls riding today.
I must say it’s awesome to have another girl pushing me to hit rails.
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It was a happy day for me just hiking and enjoying the snow, taking pics and passing the camera around to friends willing to take photos as well.
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So I decided that today I would try frontside boardslides and I spent the day coming up and trying to ollie onto a frontside boardslide on the tube. The good news was I was told the tube was hard to boardslide on and when I took it to a box rail it would be much easier for me. So I just worked on trying to get it, couple bruises and falls later, I felt better about it so next time i’ll be getting it dialed more.
A shot of me on the rail, still working on the frontside boardslide
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Me eating shit…it happens
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Today I took out my camcorder, the Canon Vixia HD to actually get some snow footage of it and I’m stoked with how it’s coming out in a video.
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Breck 4th of July Bowl 7/19/09 from Shayboarder on Vimeo.
Overall it was an awesome day on the snow with friends and looking forward to more shred days especially when I’m working on getting tricks dialed with the help of friends.
July 19, 2009 at 8:21 pmShay will be crushing rails like a total park rat by ddecember
July 20, 2009 at 7:13 amNice stoke Shay!
July 20, 2009 at 9:27 amhey that looks like the last time it dumped here…thats about how much snow we got
j-e-a-l-o-u-s thats ok tho, im going to send you some more pics in 2 months when I can board all day and nite on that snowflex 
July 20, 2009 at 11:05 amlooks sick! way to get at the fs boardslide shay!
July 20, 2009 at 5:55 pmI’ll keep trying that’s for sure Adrian! We’ll see about the park rat part though.
Definitely trying, which is fun and there’s a lack of snow so its the perfect time. Thanks for the awesome comments!
July 22, 2009 at 12:45 pmhmmmm is this still around in August?
July 22, 2009 at 12:59 pmJonny, yep it is. Last year we rode that patch until September when we had to stop cause the road got snowy again.
July 24, 2009 at 6:41 amSounds like a stop during tour de August.
July 24, 2009 at 9:33 amNice when are you coming out? I’m usually up there at least one day on weekends with friends.