Soon east coast skiers and snowboarders will have the opportunity to ride year round with the opening of Liberty Mountain Snowflex Center in Lynchburg, VA. With the Snowflex Center you won’t have to worry about snow conditions, these features give you the ability to work on your tricks in a consistent environment and never have to worry about the season coming to an end.
Check out the Liberty Mountain Snowflex Center, for a glimpse of the features, progress and anticipated opening.
One of my readers happened to check out the new Snowflex center and brought along some shayboarder stickers for the ride.
Liberty Mountain Snowflex Features
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My sticker bandit, thanks CR!
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Dave DiNuzzo
June 29, 2009 at 1:27 pmstokefest!
Lou G.
June 29, 2009 at 1:33 pmHell yeah, I was almost sure something would fall through and they’d never make it. Take that global warming!
gnarly charlie
June 29, 2009 at 2:23 pmdoes it hurt when u fall on this shit and is it just like snow when ur carving and riding on it
Steezy Beezee
June 29, 2009 at 2:42 pmBye bye powder I’ll miss you
June 29, 2009 at 5:43 pmHey Shay, thanks for the update on Liberty I forgot all about it. Maybe you could give an update on the place in North Carolina. web site is Thanks
June 30, 2009 at 6:12 amWe’re supposed to have the US’s first indoor snow dome in NJ open by next summer. It was actually supposed to open last year but delays on the rest of the xanadu project and political red tape have continuously delayed it opening. This stuff at liberty is like what they do in England. Its an astro turf like product IIRC
June 30, 2009 at 10:23 amYea, I’m kind of curious about this. I’ll probably test out the Jersey one, def the closest. Nothing will ever beat the real thing though.
July 1, 2009 at 12:25 amthis is a really good idea to have put forward and especially in places
where it is impossible to ski.
July 1, 2009 at 7:35 pmShay,
I’d encourage you to dig a bit deeper into how Liberty snowcenter is affiliated with Liberty University. Liberty U was d=founded by Jerry Falwell the same genius who made statements like 9/11 was caused by gays and feminists.
Check it:
I understand it’s not well known but you should check it out. It seems somebody who looks a the world of snowboarding through fembot eyes would be a bit more aware or dare I say critical of this. But, do your own research and check it out. I’m sure we can all say “I don’t bother with politics. I only care about snowboarding.” In this instance I’m surprised you’d want to be affiliated with this.
This place is a short drive from where I am in VA. We are starved for snow. But not at the risk of being associated with hateful bigotry.
July 1, 2009 at 8:04 pmJB,
Interesting article which I was not aware of, the whole taken out of a context seems like a leap but here’s my thoughts on this.
Regardless of anyone’s affiliation, sexual, political, religious, whatever…when we hit snow I don’t believe it matters. For me the mountain is a safe place where whatever beliefs you have, it doesn’t matter and it shouldn’t.
It does appear like he is set in his ideals and that’s one thing I’ve learned is everyone has their beliefs…it’s not my place to judge them. Some aren’t as accepting as others but luckily for me, I rarely have to talk about beliefs or personal ideologies on this blog.
What I see is a university (a religious one) taking in the love for shred and bringing it year round to an area that wants it. To punish a college for something that one person said 8 years ago and has passed on since, seems harsh to me.
I’d be interested to hear others thoughts on this.
July 1, 2009 at 10:27 pmwhatever your thoughts on falwell i dont care i’ll be snowboarding there with or without you…i have no affiliation with Falwell or Liberty University but they’re doing a good thing for snowboarders..Jerry was one of a kind and agree with him on most things no..i dont but he has done great things for lots of people. more simply put..I agree with shay…………as for gnarly charlie ”
does it hurt when u fall on this shit and is it just like snow when ur carving and riding on it”
i havent actually rode it but i kinda rolled around on it and it seems like it might be a bit painful to fall on bareskin…im trying to figure out what to wear riding during the summer.. its gonna be weird snowboarding in 80 degrees…as for riding on it, i can only go on what i’ve rread people at the woodward @ copper said you cant really carve like you can snow, but if you search for snowflex videos you can see people ride on it and it seems fairly legit…i’ll let you know more in 2 months….Aug. 29 is the date set for opening..
July 1, 2009 at 10:33 pmOh yeah and if theres no one reading this near the one being built in NC i will take a drive down there once i know they have started building and report about that one also
lee pace
July 6, 2009 at 6:15 amcdr,sorry to say the one in nc is no more,the guy funding it has dropped the far as Liberty snowflex,it is only open to students and alumni.for the frist year or so(until the get the kinks worked out)Then they will open to the public..AT LEAST FALWELL IS DEAD..
July 7, 2009 at 8:09 amBummer on the NC one being dropped.
TWS Business did an interview with the Jerry Falwell Jr on the access to it, here that says it’s open to everyone but students/faculty have priority . Looks like it’s set to open August 29th.
I had an interesting discussion with another blogger on this article, my blog got removed from his blogroll because I promoted my stickers at this university. In my eyes and as someone who writes about snowboarding, it’s another place to snowboard and to me that’s all I see. I’m certainly not going to remove this post or stop talking about a snowflex center just because the founder stood for things that not everyone might agree on. Everyone has a choice whether to go there and support it or not.
July 7, 2009 at 3:37 pmthanks shay, and yeah they probably dont like stickers! they probably removed the ones I put up already…I will not stop haha… stickers=freedom of speech – a little vandalism
July 22, 2009 at 1:17 pmShay, I’;d like to clarify a few points
I never told you to remove the post – I was just shocked that you’d go ahead and say “yeah I’m cool with that.” I’m 99.9% certain I never told you to remove anything.
I think you do have a choice of whether you acknowledge your sticker being someplace/somewhere. That you do have a say in as you publish the blog. The point is Falwell stood for many things culturally that things like skating, snowboarding, punk music and hip hop railed against. Once can HOPE this is an attempt for them to become more accepting, open and tolerant of other cultures and lifestyles.
Until they prove otherwise I would encourage others to make a decision based on knowing who and what your dollars are supporting if you ride Liberty Snow Center.
I can clearly see we fall on two sides of this and my opinion certainly isn’t the popular one. So research it, check it out, maybe they are more open, accepting and tolerant. Maybe not.
July 22, 2009 at 6:09 pmI totally stand by my words and by putting up a post with my stickers on a snowflex center.
This article mentions nothing about the University or Falwell, just a snowflex center…and while to you it may stand for more, to me it doesn’t…it’s another place to shred. People can choose to support it or not.
July 22, 2009 at 6:17 pmYeah charlie it hurts to fall, like carpet burn x 10, no you can’t carve on it, rocker boards are kinda sketchy on it, its hard wood with a few inches of carpet, you don’t have to turn or carve if you try you die, they can control speed with a water silacone solution. Its fun and you can learn tricks. Oh yeah it scratches the crap outta your base too !
July 22, 2009 at 6:19 pmOh yeah johnny I don’t read your blog anymore how’s it coming along?
July 24, 2009 at 6:31 amAdrian, it’s an off and on process. Solid to me when I feel like writing and dry when I don’t. I’m sure there’s plenty more to read out there beyond anything I put up. But even in this quiet period I still pull about 450-500 UV’s per day. So, like I said you aren’t missing anything. People still come for the sporadic updates daily. It’s a weird spread.