It feels good to be back home. I flew into Denver yesterday and hung out in Summit County for the night, arrived home in Steamboat today and realized it’s already March!
Washington was a great trip to make, despite the rough season. I added the Holy Oly to my “annual list” of fun things to attend. The riding in Washington was a good time, made some good turns and got to ride with friends. There’s a lot of things in Washington that I miss, but it’s good to be on my own in Colorado. It’s always good to catch up with old friends and this time I got to meet new ones. I made sure to swing by evo to check out the latest from them, ended up picking up a sitka hoodie that I haven’t taken off since.
I got to ride 9 new 09-10 boards for Board Insiders and found one board that I actually will purchase because it was that insane and fun. I can’t wait to see how the videos come out and how it looks. I definitely took some good falls on video.
While my trip was a “vacation”, I kept busy with fun things for the blog: Holy Oly, finally visiting Mervin Manufacturing, stopping by Capita to borrow some snowboards and lots of riding. My only downtime day was Friday right before I flew out and that included a trip to Ikea and Costco to stock up on stuff for Steamboat living.
So I’ve got the mountain in my backyard with 3 boards at my disposal to ride and get reviewed. Thanks to Capita for letting me take home 2 of their women’s boards, the Saturnia and Midnight. I also stopped by Never Summer in Denver to pick up the Premier F1 to try out as well.
I go back to the daily grind tomorrow and looking forward to getting back on my home mountain with a couple new decks to try out.
I continued to mail out sticker requests from Washington, really stoked on all the people supporting the site! If you have a photo of a sticker on your deck or wherever, email me the photo and I’ll be putting up a collection of the photos soon!