It was luck that my WA trip was timed perfectly with the Holy Oly. I’ve heard about it for years and wished I had the chance to go but it never worked out until this year.
Friday night I flew into Seattle, crashed on Garv’s couch and carpooled up to the Summit at Snoqualmie to finally check out the Holy Oly on Saturday. This was my first time back to ride Snoqualmie in 7 years and it was a great comeback to my original mountain. Huge thanks to Krush for running it and hooking me up with ticket to ride during the day.
Jesse Burtner said it best regarding the Holy Oly, “it’s not even really a contest it’s kind of a party.” The quarterpipe was insane, 28 feet high is what I heard and the riders were killing it with their own individual styles. I took photos at the event, just a couple feet from each rider in the air and so amazed to be there.
Garvie loading up the van in the AM

Holy Oly 2009

The morning started out with cloudy skies but the bluebird skies came out when the contest was ready to really begin.
Alpental above the clouds
The Holy Oly ran a jam session, riders dropped in however many times they wanted and could do whatever they want. I watched as friends dropped in and tried their hand at the quarterpipe.
The boys

Remember this from That’s It, That’s All? It’s now the log jib
Plenty of people showed up to watch the Holy Oly

The Pat Bridges Tailblock

Sessioning the Red Bull Jib feature in front of the judges

Monty Hayes
He took home the Holiest of the Holy Award which won him a pallet of Olympia beer.

Sean Genovese’s no hands method

Unknown rider’s handplant

The snowskater’s were throwing down, this guy didn’t land this but I love the crazyness of the shot

Serving up Cobra Dogs

Sean Genovese’s handplant

Gorio getting on camera

Austin Hironaka won for highest air

J. Kelly

Peter Line hiking up

On top of the world

Kurt Jenson took home the award for NW method but man this man must do yoga

A rider jibbing the Lib Tech sign…nah just looks that way

Austin bringing the shocker to the fun

Riders watching and hiking up

Peter Line

I grew up in Washington and rode the mountains that most of these guys grew up riding at. The best part of the contest was it wasn’t the young kids throwing down, they did but the older snowboarders who have been riding for years were killing it. They weren’t the biggest names but they are names that have style.
I spent most of the afternoon on the side taking photos, I eventually put the camera away to chat it up with a couple people I had met at SIA. As the day winded down I took some laps with Gorio and then went to watch the awards.
Nick from Yobeat was on hand representing the Yobeat team, he stickered up my board with a Yobeat sticker so I got him to enjoy my sticker.

Gorio and myself during the awards time

Kaiser from POW Gloves pulling in an award for Industry dude throwing down. Looking back on my photos and videos, Kaiser is there loud and clear on the quarterpipe.

It was my first Holy Oly but it certainly won’t be my last, it was such a fun chill time that I hope to never miss it. Despite the mudslide that occurred, the true NW spirit made this contest continue on. The people that came to watch, cheered on each other and participated really made it what it was, a fun party with friends.
I didn’t do much filming since I was taking photos but here’s a unedited look at some of the contest in a mini-movie.
Holy Oly 2009 from
Shayboarder on
The end of 2009 and the beginning of 2010 –
January 21, 2010 at 8:57 am[…] Holy Oly […]