Binding Review: 09-10 Union Forces

Location: Keystone, Colorado

Snow Conditions: Bluebird with hardpacked groomers to a mixture of conditions.

Setup: I rode the Union Forces with a variety of snowboards and my Rome Vamp size 8 boots.

Time to set up the binding: Average

Fit: My Rome vamps fit nicely into the Forces heelcup and the only big adjustment is just making sure the straps are at the right dots lined up to fit my boots.

First Impression: There’s a reason I own these bindings and why I use them as my binding for demos, I never need to adjust to them and I know they will do fine riding.

Appearance: They are green, bright green and If I buy these for next year I could mix-match with my red pair to be Christmas year round. Really they looked good on the Park Pickle the best.

Comfort: The Forces are always comfort, good padding in the highback to baseplate to help soften rough landings and absorb bumpy terrain. The straps are super comfortable and really just molds well to my boot.

Functionality: Upgraded ratchets which I hardly noticed, they still run and ratchet without any slips or sticking issues. Quick adjust on the ankle strap makes it super easy to get that dialed, I wish the toe had it but it’s still quick with a screwdriver.

Flex: Not too soft, not too stiff. The highback actually is stiffer towards to bottom and gets softer the higher up allowing the rider some tweakability but still a stable highback to hold you in place during heelside turns. It also allows for good lateral movement. I’ve spent the most time on these bindings because they really allow the rider to flex them but not overly control the rider in what you can do.

Response: With the softer flex towards to upper highback, you don’t get insane quick response by just little bits of weight you move around. It’s a little more mellow response that comes from it, the rider is in control over how much response you want. Really lean forward on your toes or back on your heelside you quickly get it.

Toe Strap: Once you adjust it to your boot, no issues. It is a toe strap that if it’s a little off, it won’t ride fine with your boot so really needs to be adjusted. I didn’t have any issues with it slipping or moving when riding.

Overall Impression: The Forces are a solid binding, good for wherever you want to go on the mountain for whatever board you pair them with. They aren’t too soft, they aren’t too stiff.

Shay’s Honesty Box: I own them, paid for them and rock them since I got them…what more can I say.

Ready to buy? Head over to evo for the 2011 version of the Union Forces or shop their full line of Union snowboard bindings

On-Snow Photos
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[singlepic id=6446 w=400 h=300 float=]
Union Force Description

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  • KimChi
    March 1, 2009 at 2:15 pm

    Did you notice any significant differences between the strap on the 2010s and the 2009s? I was told that the 2010 strap has different materials in it, but I didn’t notice a huge difference between it and the 2009, but I didn’t get the opportunity to play around with them side by side.

  • Shayboarder
    March 2, 2009 at 12:34 am

    Significant changes, nope didn’t notice it when riding. Looking at the photos I see some differences visually but nothing I noticed when riding. Definitely not a huge difference.

  • Marcel
    March 6, 2009 at 5:52 am

    Hi Shay,

    very intersting posts…
    Can you compare the Force with the Force SL…
    Important for me is response and highback stiffness.

    I’ve ridden the normal Force the last 2 years and now I am searching a new one for 09/10. It will be set up on a Signal Omni…

    Thx Marcel

  • dano
    April 8, 2009 at 8:33 pm

    i want these sooo bad. 2 questions, will they fit my burton rulers? and how much are they gonna set me back?

  • Shayboarder
    April 9, 2009 at 11:54 pm

    Hey Marcel I still need to ride the 09-10 SL to compare it…I did reviews for both the force and force SL for 08-09.

    If you like the force, the SL are definitely a step up.

    Dano…what size are your boots? Not sure what MSRP is for 09/10.

  • dano
    April 12, 2009 at 1:19 pm

    size 12

  • Shaun White
    June 14, 2009 at 10:24 pm

    Hey Shay! if you had next year’s Green Machine, would you go with the green, white, or black Forces? (clearly i’m not stylish…but trying)

  • Francis
    July 17, 2009 at 5:35 pm

    Hi Shay,

    Do you think they will do as good as your Last Rome Bindings after 100 days?

  • Shay
    July 17, 2009 at 6:22 pm

    Dano, you’d want the L/XL Union Forces which fit up to a size 13.

    Shaun White, When I rode the Green Machine I rode it with the Green Forces and they were the greenest you could get for a combo…which I liked. I’d rock green if you want to stand out, black if you want to be normal and white if you want to get dirty. It’s okay to not be stylish.

    Francis, good question. I’d have to tally up the total days I’m at with them but I’m guessing it’s around 60 or 70 so far with them. Both binding held up but cosmetically had wear and tear after both 60 days. The rome’s took the brunt of the wear in the highbacks where the material was falling off and the Unions took it on the ankle strap where the material came off. I’m still riding the Forces and still happy with them just like I was with those madisions.

  • Mathias
    July 31, 2009 at 7:24 am

    Hey Shay!

    Do you know of any online shops that are selling these badboys? 😀
    I’m thinking of getting these in green for my 2010 skate banana! 🙂

    – Thanks!

  • Shay
    July 31, 2009 at 12:24 pm


    Just asked Johan from C3 to find out. He said 9/1 they will be in shops like evo, porters, milo, bc surf & sport, backcountry, the house, the click, sierra, etc.

    Love the green choice!

  • Mathias
    July 31, 2009 at 1:37 pm

    As in the first of september? 😀

    That would be pretty damn awesome! Just ordered the banana =)

    And thanks alot!

  • Shay
    July 31, 2009 at 1:42 pm

    Yep September 1st. Nice on ordering the banana, fun for sure!

  • Mathias
    July 31, 2009 at 2:05 pm

    Ohh DAMN sweet! 😀

    My thanks! 😀

  • ChrisF
    August 11, 2009 at 7:27 pm

    So i saw these in the new twsnow issue and im pretty sure im getting them but i just noticed that the “Tooth” or “Notched” strap” on the toe strap is kinda sticking out away from the toe cap. It seams theres a little slot it is supposed to go into but its not even long enough to reach. If i use the toe straps as to caps is that thing going to be sticking straight out and getting all nicked up?
    Thanks dude

  • Nick
    August 26, 2009 at 8:00 am

    Hey Shay, how much do they weigh in comparison to other bindings on the market?

  • Matt
    October 18, 2009 at 2:04 pm

    I have a black board, well its actually really really dark purple
    should i pair it up with the green ones?

  • Shay
    October 26, 2009 at 3:36 am

    No problem Mathias.

    ChrisF, you can cut the ratchets if they bother you. I leave mine even though they stick out but just take scissors and cut them. There’s no slot for them. I ride with mine out and they don’t get nicked up or anything.

    Nick, I am not sure on the weight of the Unions. Maybe email Union and ask, I’m sure they know the weight for the binding.

    Matt, depends on your flare style. I like the greens but they are pretty bright.

  • roby
    December 13, 2009 at 11:18 am

    you dont’ thinks for banana is better union contact?

  • Vito
    January 23, 2010 at 5:04 pm

    Are there any differences between the force and the danny kass turbo?
    If yes..is the danny kass a binding that can be used everywhere or it is specific for park riders?

  • ggbling
    February 27, 2010 at 7:54 pm

    hey man

    bought these bindings and love them except for one thing… the toe strap. I prefer riding with the strap over my toe but i cant seem to figure out any adjustment that will keep them in place without slipping. Any suggestions?

  • lee
    March 1, 2010 at 7:51 pm

    You mean as a toe cup or over the top of your foot? If it slips as a toe cup I’ve heard of people turning it upside down so the plastic loop goes over the top of your boot. Mine would slip till I put the loop in the right spot. I was putting it too far down the front of my boot. When I relaxed it a bit and let it ride a little higher it stayed put just fine. That help at all?