The season has started and with more terrain opening up this weekend…I am stoked! I made my way out to the mountain for my ride break on lunch time to take a couple laps. I woke up this morning to a bluebird sunny day and figured it was a perfect day to ride.
So far this season I’ve met a couple of my readers on the snow which is always fun to encounter people stoked on the blog.
A couple days ago Johnny from Texas emailed me that he was in Steamboat on vacation so today I met up with him to make a lap together.
It was Johnny’s second time snowboarding and you can tell he wakeboards, good sense of balance. He was doing good and made it down the run, learning turns is a long process. It took me forever to get toeside turns down when I started…but I had to keep trying it, to get it.
I ride with friends of all skills, some better than me and some still learning…so I don’t mind slowing down for a run to watch someone progress. It’s still snowboarding.I am stoked that Johnny came out and made turns with me. Tomorrow is another day on snow, so another chance to ride again.
We are supposed to get snow today, so I’m hoping that the coverage will get better soon.