On Monday night I had the opportunity to check out the Oakley Revolution Tour at Copper Mountain. I was really stoked to get the invite and be able to attend the event, even for just one night.
I took photos and did a write up for Transworld Business, but also attended on behalf of my blog so killed two birds with one stone. As soon as that is up on TWS Business, I’ll link to it.
I took both of my cameras and made a video of the evening. Let me know what you think.
Oakley Revolution Tour – Copper Mountain from Shayboarder on Vimeo.
Oakley has their O lab touring resort towns and letting retailers/industry folk get to check out what makes Oakley goggles so durable and worth the bucks.
I arrived at 4pm to get the tour, Tess from Oakley was my contact and was great to meet in person. I check out the Oakley blog and have read a lot of her writing on various events.
The line was pretty long to get into the O lab tour, so we got in the back door and I got to take some photos without anyone inside. The rolling O lab is sweet, super plush with tons of fun Oakley memorabilia.
Inside the tour, they run you through a phase of four tests. Each test you see a Oakley product compared to a competitors product.
I went through the tour and could have kept watching it over and over. But after the tour it was time for the Rev Tour party. As I waited for directions, I checked out the halfpipe getting ready for the evening photo shoot later on.
The party was at one of the bars and was quite busy. Upstairs the DJ was announcing raffle winners and playing music.
Downstairs was the goggle bar where you could make your own custom goggles to take home.
Months ago when I was flipping through Frequency, there was a stellar Oakley ad for Terje…featuring an artist Justin Hampton, that I really liked. Months later, I still talked about the ad and how rad it is. At the party they had a Terje ad on the wall.
It was time to head to the halfpipe, the only lit up piece of snow on the mountain. I took this picture from the base, you can see the snowmobiles hauling the skiers and riders up to the top.
This was my first event/photoshoot and I was in awe watching the Oakley athletes throwing down in the halfpipe. I love watching halfpipe and seeing each trick within an arms reach was insane.
Tess and I had some fun butt sliding down to the base of the mountain from the halfpipe, she was hauling and I took a running start. It was really fun and a good way to end the night.
At the base, I ended up talking to one of the riders named Kevin and had a nice conversation. He invited me out to party but I had to drive back to Steamboat that night so I turned him down. As I walked away, Tess told me that Kevin Pearce just asked me to party. Quite funny.
It was a long drive back to Steamboat through a snowy night, but man…it was a good fun night and an experience I won’t forget.
Huckleberry Hart
December 11, 2008 at 5:38 pmGrand finale shot is a banger!
December 12, 2008 at 10:59 pmnice job on the video & accompanying sound track
December 28, 2008 at 10:21 pmThanks!