When I visited the 686 booth at SIA last January, there was one jacket that stood out above the rest…I mean, really caught my eye and I thought that jacket is rad. To whoever created this jacket….you rock with creativity and fun.Months later, when I didn’t see it on the proform, I still thought…dang I gotta get that jacket. Well the fine folks at Dogfunk had the jacket in stock and with my discount code (thanks James), I finally went and purchased it about two weeks ago.
So I’ve had two days on snow and wore it last night to the Oakley Rev Tour events in Copper…and it gets mad compliments when I wear it. People stare, they gawk, they say “great jacket” or “that jacket is rad” and then I just say “yeah…GRRRRR i’m a monster!”
So between this jacket and my 686 smarty jacket, i’m pretty sure on being warm this winter and having a good looking jacket. On a tech note, it has 10,000 mm rating and for Colorado where it’s dry, that works just fine.
December 9, 2008 at 9:19 amThat jacket is amazing. Roar! It makes me want to pony up and purchase the photoluminescent Phenom from Westbeach.
December 9, 2008 at 10:47 amSuper rad!
December 10, 2008 at 11:46 amI saw your article on Transworld Biz… good for you.
December 10, 2008 at 8:11 pmThanks Shralper, stoked on getting the opportunity!
December 11, 2008 at 10:43 amLike the Jacket a lot plus I allready like 686 gear…
Francis, Montreal, Qc
December 15, 2008 at 1:18 pmYeah I am happy with it!