Here’s the latest and greatest from Rome…premature jibulation is back and ready for fun this winter.
Is it snowing yet? Is your local mountain open yet to shred? Neither of these things matter because the Rome SDS is bringing some early-season jib fun to your local mountain for the 5th Annual running of the Premature Jibulation event series.Created for your everyday local riders who are dying to get on snow, Premature Jibulation events go down all across North America and Europe through November and December. In many parts of the world, this is the first chance riders have to shred each year. Featuring a jam-session format that is as much about having fun as it is about winning, each event will be littered with rails, boxes, barrels and any other junk we can find that looks fun to ride. There is no entry fee and the events are open to all riders who want to come out and shred. (Though there is no entry fee charged by Rome, each host mountain might require an early season lift ticket purchase.)
So pull your gear out of the closet, mount up your bindings, pray for snow and be ready to lay down the first session of the season with the SDS. Prizes include Rome boards, bindings, boots and outerwear, and there is a ton of other schwag for the product toss.
Check out for a full schedule for a event near you.
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