I made my way into Denver yesterday to attend the Absinthe premiere of “Ready”, last years Absinthe “Optimistic” is one of my favorite movies to watch over and over because of the fun and epic riding and the people in it.
On my way into town stopped by Never Summer to pick up some goodies. I may be a test rider but there is something sweet about getting to shop at a snowboard company. I came back with hoodies, t-shirts, hats and die-cuts.
The film premiere was at the Starz Film Center in downtown Denver and I went with my friends Gary, Dina, and K at attend the film. We made it in and made sure to get our alcoholic beverages before heading down to the movie area. I was also able to meet and talk with Josh Smith who runs Absinthe PR side of things…big thanks for him for everything!
Matt, JP and Romain signing posters for fans
Marc Frank Montoya was also there signing autographs. My friend Dina asked who the pros were and when I said that was MFM, she replied with “he’s badass!” and so since he was a couple feet away he got to hear that and gave Dina knuckles laughing about it.

Me at the premiere…in my new Never Summer hoodie

SOS was there in full force to get people stoked on a cause.

Movie time

Marshall Jones opened up the night with a rap. Here’s a clip I took of it.
Dina and Gary

It was that crazy when stuff was being thrown out

JP and Romain checking out the clothes they are about to throw at people

Matt Beardmore chucking t-shirts at people…he hit some of the walls pretty good.

The beer was that cool

I won’t give away too much of the film…but it’s definitely a film I could watch over and over again. “Ready” added to the already amazing riders, showcasing riding around the world. Whether it was the the Scotty part which added halfpipe to the film or Cale’s skin tight girly pants just killing it on urban rails. Finally two riders really blew it away for me, Jeremy Jones for his big mountain just amazing epic lines and Wolle’s riding through everything, on a snowskate snurfer and his taps over trees. Bjorn’s part also impressed as well, JP as well. Nicholas and Romain I wish had more riding in the film. Mikey was hilarious at the end closed out the movie with clips of him toboganing and making it look too easy. His classic line at the end was about the kids doing the gnarly stuff and he can just do ollies. No more gaper snow slashes like last year for MFM, I only saw small clips of him riding. My favorite line from the whole film was Nate’s “Yeah we’re just damaging the snow” in regards to them getting busted by cops for urban riding.
In terms of riding locations…my favorite scene is when they set up a session across the road, over a gap and over a concrete wall. Just the assortment of tricks being thrown was fun to watch. It was rad to see Absinthe take advantage of the epic year in the NW last year, filming at Mt Baker.
A clip from the end of the movie

The girls…heading home