Justin: My name is Justin Meyer. I am 26 years old, and an Aries. I have a computer tan, 2 dogs, and a loving wife. I stand 6’0″ with brown hair and blue eyes. I don’t have any tattoos.
Shay: What is your job title?
Justin: I guess it would be video guy/editor?
Shay: Did your parents question your job choice?
Justin: No, they are down for whatever. I think my mom just found out I snowboard.
Shay: What was your first set up?
Justin: I think it was a Morrow of some sort? Can’t remember, rode it once and it got stolen.
Shay: What is your current set up?
Justin: Right now I’m riding a beat-up Stepchild board…thanks Joey.
Shay: What was your first job?
Justin: I bagged groceries when I was 16.
Shay: What’s a great day of snowboarding to you?
Justin: Any and all of em.
Shay: Who are your influences?
Justin: My wife – Amber Meyer, Johnny Miller, Jared Johnson, Lance/Mike Hakker, Nima Jalali, Jesse Burtner, Jon Kooley, Preston Strout, Ami Voutilainen, Micah Hollinger, Stephen Hawking, Black Holes, Infinity.
Shay: How long have you been snowboarding?
Justin: 11 years.
Shay: How many days do you get to ride a year?
Justin: A whole lot; probably somewhere over 200. I think I missed a few days this winter and a few this summer.
Shay: How many days are you filming a year?
Justin: Probably almost the same, STACK STACK STACK.
Shay: What influenced you to go into filming?
Justin: Skate videos and skateboarding. I kinda got into filming by default. I filmed skateboarding here and there, and naturally in snowboarding ended up being the guy in the crew that didn’t shake all over and blow the shot.
Shay: What is your role at Think Thank Productions?
Justin: Friend, family, fool. I help out as much as I can, pretty much filming my misty roommate/3rd favorite human-Johnny Miller all winter. Film as much as I can with everyone else when they make it down south…usually go on a few trips to AK.
Shay: What goes into planning (locations, riders) for future films?
Justin: With Think Thank, its intensely mapped out by El Capitan – Jesse Burtner, he’s on that 2012 ish. The Transworld 20 tricks DVD was pretty planned out thanks mostly to Chris Wellhausen. Other than that, it’s all on-the-fly, no planning, real loose, fast turnaround-web stuff.
Shay: This year Think Thank releases Stack Footy, what makes this film different?
Justin: It’s like a shiny gem in a sea of slow motion repeats. For me, it’s a snowboard video I haven’t already seen a hundred times over. Very few videos look different than those 7 years ago. Few people keep it fresh, Mack Dawg has freshened up the filming game for sure, and Think Thank has pushed creativity pretty far. They aren’t scared to think outside the box and get weird.
Shay: What camera/filming equipment do you use?
Justin: Panasonic HVX200, and a century lens. VX2000, Canon Elph. I used to be into shooting super 8mm, but realized I’m not that artsy.
Shay: From your previous films, what were some of your favorite films to work on?
Justin: I definitely have a blast making all of the Bear Mtn. DVD’s, and Sunday in the Parks, but I have more fun filming outside the park with other crews. Technine, People, Think Thank for sure.
Shay: Do you plan in advance each scene or do you see what happens during snowboarding?
Justin: Well if I have a song I really want to use, I might try to get a few shots to go along with it, other than that-no planning, keep it loose.
Shay: What locations do you enjoy filming at?
Justin: Alaska, Bear Mountain, Utah, Hood, Vegas.
Shay: Any close calls while filming?
Justin: Not too many. I’m stuck in the park for the most part. Hopefully I can get sketchy in the woods more often.

Justin: At one point or another I have worked with Bear Mountain, High Cascade, Neoproto, MDP People, F.O.D.T., Technine, MDP, Transworld, Snowboarder Mag, Fuel TV, Future, Autumn Line, Team Thunder, Ashbury Eyewear…many others I probably shouldn’t mention.

Shay: What’s your average day like at work?
Justin: The best days are when I can snowboard for a good while, then pull out the camera, slap on the lens, take hot laps, and try not to unstrap.
Shay: What are some memorable experiences from filming?
Justin: All of them.
Shay: How is being a filmer (any cool work events, work environment, job perks)?
Justin: I despise filming events, and contests. Premieres are always fun. I think in my line of filming, I get to snowboard a lot more than most “filmers.”
Shay: What’s the best park you’ve gotten from your job?
Justin: Cutting lift lines. Or hiking for miles into the woods, where it is quiet with no mental pollution.
Shay: Any disadvantages of your job?
Justin: Cold weather. Equipment costs. Time away from the wife and mutts.
Shay: What’s the busiest time of year for you?
Justin: Summer at HCSC, and right after.
Shay: Education vs. Experience…which do you think is more important?
Justin: Experience!!! Hands down.
Shay: What advice would you give to people wanting to become a snowboard filmer?
Justin: Learn how to snowboard really well first, and pay attention to it, pay attention to skateboarding as well. Then find out what you want. If it’s web videos you want to make, put yourself out there and get into it. If it’s full length videos, try to intern for someone for a few years or make a few homey videos? Most importantly don’t get caught up in the technical side of filming, you can spend all day learning frame rates, and all that ish, but if you can’t compose a decent shot, that info is worthless.
Shay: Final thoughts?
Justin: Thank you. Don’t download videos. Go buy that new Stack Footy, Familia, Down with People, as well as These Days. While you are at Active, make sure to pick up some Ashbury goggle/shades and a t-shirt. I guess what I am saying is if you really care about snowboarding or skateboarding, support those companies that do it well.
Lance Michael Hakker
August 22, 2008 at 1:48 pmYeah Beans!
August 22, 2008 at 5:30 pmhell yeah justin!
August 24, 2008 at 7:52 pmyou the man justin
September 3, 2008 at 3:49 pmHoly crap dude your totally famous!!!