Update: Back at SIA, the Evo was to be released as a regular cambered board. This has changed and now the Evo for 08-09 season will be a reverse camber snowboard (Recurve Camber). Never Summer has their own patent pending recurve camber rocker with two cambered areas from the feet out toward the tip and tail and rockered under foot and a Vario Power Grip sidecut radius.
Location: Majority of time at Steamboat, Colorado and some time at Copper Mountain, Colorado.
Snow Conditions: Slush, hard packed, ice, bumps, groomed runs, heavy powder.
Setup: I’ve been riding the Never Summer Evo with my Rome Madison bindings and my Vans Omni Focus boots.
First Impression: I’ve rode the Evo before and really loved it since it’s a stiffer twin board. With the new reverse camber it’s a lot more about fun.
Size: 155cm
Weight: Bit lighter than average.
Flex: The evo is a stiffer freestyle board, but even then with the stiffness it has some good tail and nose flex. The flex of the evo really makes it a solid ride for halfpipe with enough absorption for coming back into the pipe. I liked that even with the stiffer flex, it’s still solid for freestyle manuvers. I did do some small airs on rollers with it and it felt stable with landings.
Turning: With the new rocker on the Evo, NS has introduced a new sidecut, vario radius sidecut* which gives the board a lot more grip on hard packed and icy conditions. I took the board down a same icy traverse to get to powder as the Lib with MTX and it held an edge against the icy traverse just as well. You can still lay over the evo into each carve, it’s always been a board that could handle carving it up outside of the park and even with rocker with the new sidecut, it grips and allows you to quickly snap into short radius carves or extend out to long radius.
Stable: Since the nose and tail is raised up, you gain speed when riding on flatter terrain. I didn’t wax the board and still noticed it held up speeds when I’m riding along cat tracks and traverses better. The dampening is a bit less on the Evo so over small bumps it didn’t absorb as well, so that takes some adjustment coming from a higher dampening board like the Lotus.
Pop: The Evo has always been super fun for popping ollies and freestyle tricks. With the rocker its just as easy to go into tricks. Butters/presses are easy on the rocker, really takes no skill to be able to hold a butter on any rocker.
Switch: I had so much fun taking the board out and riding switch. Even in the halfpipe when I went into switch riding, since it’s a twin it’s just easier to dive into switch. With the rocker its harder to catch your edge, so it’s super fun to ride around, ride switch and change it up without feeling like you’ll catch an edge.
Powder: I did manage to get powder turns on the last day of the season with the Evo. I was waiting for it and hoping to get some turns so test out the rocker since a lot of my time has been on groomers with it. It came in handy, even the evo is a stiffer park board but off groomers with the rocker I was impressed. It floated through the heavier snow conditions of last day here with a lot of ease.
Pipe: I am still getting used to take reverse camber boards in the halfpipe. However the Evo is one of my favorite halfpipe boards since it’s twin, stiffer and now with the new vario radius sidecut* grips the snow conditions so it’s a good combo in the pipe. I noticed this time with the rocker, I just need to adjust to it so I don’t pop too much off the walls. I had a chance to take this board into two halfpipes, steamboat’s and copper’s. Coppers on the day I took it, was icier conditions and I had no problem holding an edge against the walls and tranny. The great thing in halfpipe with rocker is pulling spins, I’m still working on spinning out of the pipe so right now it’s spinning on the walls. I don’t have to worry about catching an edge with the rocker doing that.
Overall Impression: I’ve had a lot of fun riding the new Evo, it definitely offers more to the freestyle rider that wants rocker. Even I was impressed with how well it rode on groomers, steeper terrain and powder. The only downside was with the less dampening, if you happen to run over a bumpy mogul field of doom…you’ll feel it by the end. In powder, it was fine with the stiffer flex of the Evo and the float of the rocker. The NS rocker is definitely a different ride than the banana tech and k2 rocker technology. NS has a patent pending on this new design and its definitely worth taking out for a ride.
On a side note, the prototype that I have with the blank topsheet has a neon green base which glows when riding. I’ve gotten so many comments from people who love the glowing base and it definitely is fun to see it stick out.
I’ve been riding the evo r and sl r. My own preference is the evo over the sl, because of the flex difference.
Shay’s Honesty Box: It’s one of the most fun boards I’ve been on in a while. The downsides is there is less dampening so anytime I get to varying snow conditions or choppy shit…you bet I feel it.
April 18, 2008 at 5:37 pmel’s review and mandingo’s suggestions got me interested in next year’s NS revolver w/ rocker. i’m assuming that its ride is going to be similar to the evo, since it’s just supposed to be a midwide version of it, right? you say the flex is stiff for a park board? does that mean it’s forte is more all mountain freestyle, or would you say that it also excels at jibs… i’m coming off of 2 seasons on the very playful/soft rome machine; how different is the evo/revolver gonna be?
September 15, 2008 at 1:46 pmRevolver is very similar to the evo, just make sure you actually need a wide version board as last years feels a little slow from turn to turn…that being said I don’t think that will even be an issue with the rocker design.
September 15, 2008 at 1:54 pmIt’s a stiffer park board…personally I like it just for halfpipe and still handles the mountain…except when I’m going through really bumpy terrain where the dampening doesn’t absorb the conditions as well as the SL which has more dampening.
Stiffer flex but with the rocker still very playful and park worthy…just a stiffer park board is all.
October 8, 2008 at 9:13 pmI have a 08 skate banana and its a fun board but the only thing I wish is that it was a bit stiffer so that it would be more stable at high speeds. Do you think the Evo R is stiffer and/or more stable then the skate at high speeds?
PS: I like taking my board from the gnarlly steeps and in the park.
October 9, 2008 at 12:49 amYep the evo r is stiffer than the skate banana and more stable.
November 12, 2008 at 5:22 pmHi Shay,
I am about 200 lbs and was wondering what size of evo you would suggest, since you say you are about my weight. thanks for your help, dave
November 12, 2008 at 7:21 pmHey Dave,
I ride the 155cm as my fun park/small size board. It handles my weight fine so far…but I don’t take it in powder just groomers and park stuff with it.
I’d say it’s preference though, if you feel more comfortable on a bigger size to match the weight, then do it. If you want a smaller board for park and the reverse camber playfullness then you can go small like I did.
December 5, 2008 at 5:14 pmshay, i’ve been looking every where for the “ideal” weight ranges for the various sizes for the evo. i’m 5’6 about 165-170 lbs. I currently ride a 52 rome agent 05. Wasn’t sure if 51 would be to small for me. I will be using this primarily for a park board but I do like to get out of the park every once in awhile.
December 8, 2008 at 11:39 amNS doesn’t put up weight ranges for the boards, but because they are built stronger they can endure a lot.
The 151 would still be fine for you, it will handle your weight fine.
February 6, 2009 at 12:35 pmhowdy…I’m looking at either a Lib TRS BTX or as NS Evo…which did you like better? I’m a freestyle/park rider.
February 7, 2009 at 12:01 amHi Shay
Seems like you really like the Evo. What would be the most fun/best park freestyle board you’ve tried? Something that doesn’t have to really perform on powder and is just for playing around on groomers and the park. It would be for specific use (eg, fun noodle days) in a quiver, so it doesn’t have to be totally well rounded. Is the Evo still up there, or is it too all-mountainy? LIB Boxscratcher perhaps? Would like to stay with NS, but not if the Evo is too close my SL-R. I guess they do have those two new ones for 09/10 but the one year warranty is a bummer.
February 10, 2009 at 8:18 amWhat’s it like for nose and tail presses on boxes? Too stiff or manageable?
February 13, 2009 at 12:21 pmKevin, TRS and Evo. I have spent more time on the evo because I own it and it’s my fun park/pipe board that I ride all mountain with as well. TRS to me was more all mountain than park.
Anonymous. Good question I like my evo and it does handle a lot of the mountain but for really fun days where I’d want a soft board just to play with I’d go for the horrorscope. Box scratcher is still fun but horrorscope was fun and softer.
Anonymous. The evo with reverse is easy to press and butter…even though it’s still a stiffer park board, you shouldn’t have any issues.
February 19, 2009 at 1:49 amGreat review – as a beginner looking to buy his first board – I’m glad I got a chance to read your review. Thanks.
I’m hoping you might be able to give a bit of advice to me. This is my first season snowboarding and I’ve gone up 6 times.
I have no interest in hitting up the park or doing tricks, and will most likely be sticking to groomed runs for now.
Would you recommend the EVO-R or SL-R for a beginner like myself? I think a twin would be easier for me (I like switching), but I’ll digress to your expertise here.
Thank you very much!
ps. if there is some other board (boot and bindings) you’d recommend for a beginner, I’d appreciate any suggestions you might have. Thanks again.
March 2, 2009 at 6:30 pmI would really love some expertise in this area
First off, i never knew what dampening ment. although i saw that it was very low for the EVO-R. But i ride on the east coast and come across with alot of bumpy pain in the butt conditions.. what does dampening have to do with that?
Secondly, i have a hard time pressing, and i was looking into the a rocker because its so much easier, but i liked the EVO-r because i also love just taking some speed runs on the steeps. You guys keep saying that its really stiff. Compared to the Rome agent that i have now.. will it be much easier? or about equal to press on ?
Thanks for the input. It’d really help me out..
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July 21, 2009 at 2:02 am[…] […]
July 31, 2009 at 3:02 amHi,
firstly great review!! I’m just wondering how is this evo compare to the 2008 model evo? is there much different or its as fun as it was? And one last thing how does it compare with the Omatic Awesome, which i heard is a pretty good all round snowboard as well.