There are some days where you just need to get outside and vent. Today was that day for me. Luckily it was bluebird and sunny so I just headed to the half pipe to take out my frustrations on a icy wall.
I hit up Christy Express to get up to the park rather than dealing with the gondola. The plus was since this was my lunch/ride break I was able to enjoy the chairlift and eat my yummy PB&J sandwich on the way up.
The pipe was pretty icy and a little rut on the transition in one spot but other than that it was a fun day to be hitting pipe. The quarter pipe at the bottom of the pipe was awesome, by the end of the day i was getting speed to hit up the quarter pipe even though i’ve never really hit a QP before.
The cat was getting the boardercross course set up so that was pretty cool to watch the snow get pushed around into the making of the course.
It felt good to get out on the snow and just ride pipe. A storm was rolling in so I knew the next couple days would be powder days so no riding pipe then. I’ve been spinning 3’s under the coping but I definitely want to get more air out and spin out of the pipe this year. I’ve also been working on riding switch in the pipe. Today I did a couple grinds at the bottom of the pipe, so that was fun. I took one good fall in the pipe, leaned over too far and ended up doing a nice body slide down the wall.
The end of the day I got to watch Cat hit up the pipe, she’s an instructor here at Steamboat and definitely great to have instructor eyes giving me feedback on my own riding.
Rode up the chair with Tom at the end of the day, he is leaving to Breck so today was his last day as park crew supervisor.
At last run the clouds came rolling in and the storm was easily about to hit us. When I got back to work, it just started dumping in Steamboat. Now at almost 5pm we’ve been getting an inch of snow an hour and almost hitting the 20 feet of snow mark for the total.
January 15, 2008 at 7:39 pmDamn. I need to ski more.
January 17, 2008 at 12:12 amI nominate Tom for Hotties on the Hill
January 18, 2008 at 11:38 amhaha Tom is a hottie, but he’s a really shy guy.