It’s always fun to get to try out so many different boards each season; from mens to womens, camber to reverse camber, freestyle to freeride. Each season I hit the slopes to review the boards you want and as the only reviewer, you know what to expect when the review gets posted up. This year I found myself at the on-snow demo, other demo days and ended up on a handful of boards before they’d come out to the public. If you want to know more about how the reviews are done, check out my behind the reviews post.
So far I’ve rode a total of 31 2010-2011 snowboards: 23 men’s boards and 8 women’s boards. The majority of snowboard reviews were a mix of rocker/reverse camber from various companies and a smaller percentage were camber. This review will be updated throughout the season as I demo and test more 10/11 snowboards. Each review is judged by the same standard and for the majority of reviews I used my own boots (some exceptions).
If you have a specific snowboard you would like to be reviewed please request it in the comment section.
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photo: Vancity Allie
About me as a snowboarder:
- I’m coming up on my 17th season snowboarding.
- I am a freerider (I ride trees, powder, steeps, groomers, natural terrain) and I ride halfpipe. I’m progressing my park experience with boxes/rails.
- I am 5’6″ and typically ride a 156cm for my all mountain board, my powder board is a 161cm and my park board is a 151cm. I weigh about 200lbs give or take.
- I am a regular rider with a 22 inch width, +15, -15 stance angles.
- I wear size 8 womens snowboard boots and feel comfortable riding both men’s and women’s bindings.
My opinion is only my opinion…of how these boards rode. Take it as you want. If you are looking for more snowboard reviews, go here
2010-2011 Snowboard Review
This list goes by brand alphabetically, to read the full review click on the name. I’ve added some key parts to this review that should give a good idea of the review highlights, my own personal yay or nay and Shay says (which covers if I think the price is right or off)
10-11 Arbor Cadence
Overall Impression: Arbor gave the cadence the park system for 10-11 and it’s an upgrade that makes the cadence an even better park ride. Last year when I rode it, it was on the mid level for stiffness but the park system gives it a more playful feel to how it handles the mountain. It’s still capable of the mountain riding but definitely a park focus that it is described as and now rides like.
Honesty Box: I’ve spent the remainder of the season riding the cadence as my main park board which has been perfect for park laps and it’s being waxed up for Mt Hood this summer. Its grown on me after the first day of riding it, it’s become my park board that I can take on the boxes, take on hardpacked groomers and then take into the pipe.
Retails for: $445
Shay Says: Price is on the high end but cheaper than last year and a better board
Best for: Progressive park riding for a female
Shay’s Yay or Nay: Yay, it’s a solid board underneath the graphic.
10-11 Arbor Draft
Overall Impression: For those wanting a softer jib board this can make the mountain and park a lot of fun. If you happen to get a powder day the rocker will give you float and keep you happy until the park is back open. It was definitely the perfect board for park laps on the rails/boxes but a little too soft for pipe laps that I went through with it.
Honesty Box: The draft was a good overall feeling board, the softer flex made it a really fun ride for just playing around on the mountain. The 155cm is my normal size to ride which came in handy for the powder turns but it would have been fun to play with it in the smaller size as well.
Retails for: $395
Shay Says: Price is right
Best for: Softer freestyle riding for park laps
Shay’s Yay or Nay: Yay if you want a soft park board, nay because it was too soft for me all the time.
10-11 Atomic Stasher
Overall Impression: I could see if you were playing on the jump line, pipe runs or big mountain riding with some freestyle aspect, how this board would be it. It was a bit overkill for Keystone night riding in that you just wanted to charge which meant more time on the gondola instead of enjoying the run. It was on the stiffer side and a really good handling board for carving on hardpacked, icy conditions but not as playful with the stiffer flex.
Honesty Box:The Stasher was on the stiffer side for a night riding at Keystone board but when it came time to charge down the mountain as fast as you could go, the Stasher was ideal for bombing.
Retails for: $359?
Best for: Charging and going straight
Shay’s Yay or Nay: Yay the price is great for a board meant for bombing and charging the mountain. Nay if you want more forgiveness/easy ride.
10-11 Bataleon Riot
Overall Impression: For handling the whole mountain with a true twin, the riot will still charge and give you solid carves down the slopes. It’s a stable ride with good pop and some playfulness for butters but the stiffer flex keeps you freeriding the mountain like a dream.
Honesty Box:The riot is hands down one of my favorite all mountain boards and every year I just like to ride it at the demo day because I know it’ll be a great solid ride that can carve and still have the playfulness for the mountain.
Retails for: $559
Shay Says: Price went up from last year…hmmm liked last year’s price better
Best for: All mountain handling from park to freeriding
Shay’s Yay or Nay: Yay I still love the board
10-11 Burton Feelgood Flying V
Overall Impression: Welcome to the next generation of feelgood riders, all mountain handling that you can take from pow to the park with no limitations. The feelgood with flying V was a perfect match and it gave the board some added perks to improving the ride for women.
Honesty Box: So far this has been a favorite women’s board for all mountain handling and riding. It definitely made me finally love the Flying V and feel like it was a great way to enhance the feelgood legacy.
Retails for: $529
Shay Says: The price is right
Best for: A women who wants to ride anything and everything on the mountain.
Shay’s Yay or Nay: Yay, the price is solid and for female riders it delivers
10-11 Burton Lipstick Flying V
Overall Impression: Of all the boards at the Burton demo the lip-stick enjoyed the biggest variety on the mountain from peak 8 & 9 for a good mix of freeriding to park. In the park, the lip-stick was poppy although I was disappointed that it wasn’t as playful as the V-rocker version. The reverse camber flying V gave it some more stability but the fun factor was left in the dust. It was interesting to have both types to compare, from V-Rocker to Flying V. They definitely each have their postives/negatives and I personally liked the more fun playful V-rocker than the Flying V which felt more natural on the Feelgood.
Honesty Box: I trust companies to decide which boards feature which style of rocker/reverse camber/camber option but in the case of the lip-stick I 100% disagree with the decision of going from V-rocker to Flying V. I rode the 09-10 lipstick with V-rocker and loved it, it suited the board perfectly and gave it that fun freestyle pop for a freestyle board. The flying V makes it a board it’s not meant to be, it’s less fun and it takes away from the freestyle feeling the board is meant to have. I can see why the feelgood is flying V, but the lipstick should have remained V-rocker.
Retails for: $469
Shay Says: Same price but with Flying V now
Best for: A park focus for women but also handles the mountain
Shay’s Yay or Nay: Nay, I liked V-rocker better with this board.
10-11 Burton Whammy Bar V-rocker
Overall Impression: The marley whammy gives the whammy bar a new graphic to choose from in the park oriented midwide model. It features mid spoon that helps give the buttery feel, V-rocker for the playfulness and rail ready edges for the park. Despite a softer flex of 3 by Burton, the marley whammy isn’t a noodle…it’s that mid board that has some softer features but still can handle the mountain outside of the park.
Honesty Box:This was my favorite board from the burton demos, I ended up on a couple models but the marley whammy was the best board for all mountain handling. It was fun in the park and it handled outside of the park. I was surprised that it was the favorite since I spent the majority of time on it, outside of the park. I definitely don’t need a midwide but it’s not the first time I’ve ridden one either. I rode the Bob Marley collab of the whammy bar which was fun to check out the new graphics.
Retails for: $399
Shay Says: Hands down best bang for the buck
Best for: Handling the entire mountain
Shay’s Yay or Nay: Yay I still love this board, great all around ride.
10-11 Burton Ration
Overall Impression: The ration was my favorite board to look at but the relationship ended when I took it to snow, it was so sluggish edge to edge and hard to get a real turn out of that I immediately felt uncomfortable the whole time on snow. In the park it was fine when I pointed it straight and on boxes but anything on snow wasn’t as much or felt capable.
Honesty Box:Of all the 10-11 snowboards I’ve ridden, this was the least favorite by far but it’s my favorite graphic…I like the plain simple colors they did this year for it. Maybe I’m not pro level park rider but I thought it rode like a door down the mountain. It could barely hold an edge or carve on the board…I find it hard to believe there is a board out there just meant to go straight and hit rails…but this was it. I had a friend with me who saw me ride the other Burton boards all day and then get on this one and just struggle with it.
Retails for: $299
Shay Says: Price is good but the board isn’t
Best for: A rider who just wants to go straight and hit rails on a camber board
Shay’s Yay or Nay: Nay, I wouldn’t pay for it unless it went on the wall
10-11 Capita BSOD
Overall Impression: Capita re-introduced the Black Snowboard of Death for their 10 year anniversary and this revamped freeride FK version continues with the qualities that made the original a legendary ride but with an increased better ride for today’s technology. The freeride fk doesn’t lose the freeride focus, the bsod continues to charge the mountain but now lighter and faster than before. To be frank, it’s still a badass board.
Honesty Box:If there’s one board that I knew I’d be tough on at the on-snow demos, it was this board because it has a lot to live up to in my opinion and I still own this board so I know how good of a ride it can be. The expectations were upheld and I found myself riding a better improved BSOD with reverse camber, that doesn’t lose the freeride board that is meant to charge the mountain with. I ended up spending the morning riding this board and taking my time enjoying it again, it was like coming home to the BSOD and we enjoyed the ride together. My only complaint was the early morning conditions and the wax on it, made it slow in the flat areas but everywhere else the board did fine.
Retails for: $549
Shay Says: Worth every penny
Best for: Dominating the mountain one turn at a time
Shay’s Yay or Nay: Yay, it’s my main board this winter and i loved every second of riding it
10-11 Capita Horrorscope FK
Overall Impression: The horrorscope was so popular when it was introduced that it soon became more than just a limited edition board in the lineup and in many parks, it’s the board of choice for riders for good reason. The softer flex makes riding park easy especially for someone learning park. It loses some of the stability on the mountain but for the jibber it doesn’t matter when the mountain is a park.
Honesty Box:The last time I rode the horrorscope it was a late release and since then some changes had been made making it way more jib specific and softer. Definitely for riding park in the summer, the board changes were perfect for just lapping park. But I noticed on the palmer laps it lost some stability in the ride which is to be expected from the changes.
Retails for: $359
Shay Says: Best bang for your buck
Best for: Fun in the park every day, all day.
Shay’s Yay or Nay: Yay for fun park laps
10-11 Capita Quiver Killer
Overall Impression: The quiver killer is a do-it all camber board, it’s excellent in the halfpipe for the stiffer longitudinal flex and outside of the park you can rip on the mountain with it. It continues to be one of my favorite boards for consistency on the mountain and I love that it has camber because it suits the style of that board.
Honesty Box: I’ve spent a lot of time on reverse camber/rocker but going back to a camber board is a pleasure too and so I grabbed the quiver killer knowing that I’d be back on a board I enjoy, consistent ride down the mountain and it was a good choice. I ended up riding it in the Holy Oly quarterpipe and it helped get me up the vert knowing I had a board underneath that was perfectly suited to it. We’ll see on next year how I do in the QP.
Retails for: $379
Shay Says: Best bang for your buck
Best for: Stability, half pipe and cruising the mountain on camber
Shay’s Yay or Nay: Yay for camber and doing it all
10-11 Chemical Storm Rocker
Overall Impression: This is one of the most interesting boards coming out, from a unknown company and yet the shape/graphic got the most attention on the mountain. It was smooth riding on the mountain and in the park, it definitely won me over with how it handled for a variety of riding conditions.
Honesty Box:Earlier this year Jeff from Chemical Storm mentioned trying out his new rocker snowboard they were producing, testing it and giving feedback. By the time I got on it, it was already decided to keep it the way it was and I was given permission to review the board. I have to say for a first time board, the chemical storm is something to watch out for…the design and shape people notice and ask about. It’s the most popular board I’ve ridden this year and the graphics are the most commented on. For a first time board, it can hold it’s own against the others.
Retails for: Not sure
Shay Says: Not sure on price
Best for: All-mountain riding on a unique board
Shay’s Yay or Nay: Yay for a rad design and new company
10-11 Ellis Street
Overall Impression: The street impressed with it’s handling on the mountain but also that as a park board it was a fun poppy ride. I liked that the rider controlled the turns, whether you wanted easy skidded or hard carves it was capable and you could power it into either..
Honesty Box:This was my first time riding an Ellis snowboard and I always try to get on the smaller companies to review. In this case it wasn’t a disappointment to get out on the mountain on the Ellis street/park board and it was a good ride for my progressing park skills but even better that it handled the mountain. It was on the wider side which helped make it a more stable board down the mountain for me, but also more width than I need.
Retails for: $339
Shay Says: Good price
Best for: Park laps with camber
Shay’s Yay or Nay: I prefer non-camber in the park so nay for me
10-11 Endeavor Color RC
Overall Impression: The Color series is that park board that can give you some softer jib flex but for the most part offers up a poppy board to handle the park and handle freeriding outside of the park. It was a fun surprise in how it handled the mountain and conditions, being able to hold an edge and grip the snow. The RC is less noticeable and doesn’t require any adjustment.
Honesty Box:The color was an easy board to adjust to but also gave a more aggressive ride for a park board. It had a good mix of softer flex for fun but with some overall stability. It was nice to be on the board without any adjustment to the RC but definitely more suitable to park riders.
Retails for: $375
Shay Says: Worth the price
Best for: Meant for park but made for everything
Shay’s Yay or Nay: Yay good price on a great board
10-11 Forum Holy Moly
Overall Impression: The tech describing the holy moly is pretty funny with names but in terms of how the board rode it was your typical snowboard. It had pop, it turned and it featured rocker/camber so you had a board that could handle some freeriding and park. I think the holy moly can truly be a holy moly kind of ride but it’s not quite there yet.
Honesty Box:I was surprised on what I thought about the board, I didn’t think it stood out from other boards but I didn’t hate it either. It was an average ride down the mountain, nothing special but also not a good match for me.
Retails for: $499
Shay Says: Overpriced for what it is, if it was less than $400 worth it
Best for: Someone wanting to support Forum and ride a board down the mountain
Shay’s Yay or Nay: Nay I think it’ll rip in the coming years but not there yet.
10-11 Jones Mountain Twin
Overall Impression: For a freeride who makes the whole mountain a park and rides powder in the backcountry, the mountain twin is that ideal board for big lines, drops and powder. I wish I had more powder days on it but powder in May is harder to come by. The mountain twin handled the resort riding and there were times where I knew it could ride me but also times when I expected more from it.
Honesty Box: Slushy conditions are really hard to judge a board so I ended up asking to take the mountain twin back to Colorado with me to try it in a variety of more conditions. In the powder and groomers, it was a good ride and much more favorable than slushy bumps down the mountain. It didn’t make me ride like Jeremy Jones but it was fun to try it on the mountain and pretend I could ride as good as him.
Retails for: $449
Shay Says: Best bang for a charging board
Best for: That mountain board that makes powder riders dominate their freestyle game
Shay’s Yay or Nay: Yay solid board, great price.
10-11 K2 Fastplant
Overall Impression: New for 10-11 the fastplant delivers a eco conscious park board that you’d actually want to ride by how it rides. The bambooyah core delivers pop and snap for playfulness but it also can handle the mountain outside of park. There’s no question that park riders break boards so it will be interesting to see how the core holds up for riders once more get on it.
Honesty Box: Normally a 154 jib park board wouldn’t impress me much when it came to freeriding, but with the fastplant it handled better than expected and rode like a longer board. From the easy boxes in the park to pipe to freeriding I didn’t have any major complaints other than just gripping on some icy spots better. I think this is going to be the “it” board of next year, bamboo in boards isn’t new but I like the take they took on this board.
Retails for: $499
Shay Says: Worth every penny
Best for: All mountain fun
Shay’s Yay or Nay: Yay, the board still stands out for being a great ride
10-11 Lib Tech TRS C2 BTX
Overall Impression: The TRS continues to be the do-it all board, total ripper series it was named after and I think the C2 addition makes it even more of a do-it all board for the mountain. For bigger mountains I would have sized up but for park laps at Breck the 151cm was fine for handling and freeriding.
Honesty Box:The TRS continues to dominate the mountain as a ripper and was a blast to ride at Breckenridge. This was the first time I’ve encountered the slow base with the TRS, it definitely needed a wax and was really slow to ride because of it.
Retails for: $559
Shay Says: On the expensive side but worth it
Best for: The rider who wants to ride every part of the mountain
Shay’s Yay or Nay: Yay, it’s a classic board that rallies the whole mountain
10-11 Never Summer Evo
Overall Impression: The evo continues to be that park board from Never Summer that’s built tough but also with the RC gives the evo a variety of riding options in and out of the park. It can handle cruising but with the softer flex you can make the mountain your park.
Honesty Box: The evo is that board that I know, it’s dialed in my opinion and I love going back to riding it whether it’s a park day or just a freeride day. During the demos I just felt like taking a break, getting some laps in on a board I already knew and the evo was that board I grabbed up to take out.
Retails for: $489
Shay Says: Worth the cost
Best for: Riders who want one park board that will last
Shay’s Yay or Nay: Yay, it destroys and is hard to destroy.
10-11 Never Summer Lotus
Overall Impression: The Lotus continues to be that charging board for women, based off of the men’s premier F1-R the lotus gives women a slightly softer flex and narrower waist width. It still continues to be the snowboard for women meant for freeriding but also able to handle other parts of the mountain.
Honesty Box:This is my board, it’s the board I take on road trips when I can only bring one snowboard because in my opinion it does it all. It’s that board that’s able to handle freeriding or powder runs but I can also take it into the park/pipe and while it’s not the best there it can do the job. It’s more freeride focus but I love that it can charge the mountain and the RC technology gives it some playfulness when I need it. The premier F1-R was my fav for years and this women’s board can hold it’s own against the men’s version which is why I ride the women’s version.
Retails for: $459
Shay Says: price is right, it’ll last and destroy
Best for: Mountain dominance for women
Shay’s Yay or Nay: Yay, the price is worth the board
10-11 Omatic Celebrity
Overall Impression: The celebrity is a more aggressive charge the mountain or charge the pipe board with a stiffer flex that takes the rider straight down carving it up. The best part about the celebrity is just how poppy it is and when carving, it holds it’s own on the mountain.
Honesty Box:To this day this board still stands out as one of the top riding boards from demos on the pop factor. Normally popping off rollers is fun but the celebrity made it a lot higher than expected. It could have been finding the sweet spot for the board but I overall enjoyed it. First board of the demo and still a high board on the list.
Retails for: $398
Shay Says: Best bang for your buck
Best for: Carving, pipe laps and tons of pop
Shay’s Yay or Nay: Yay, the board is more amazing than you think
10-11 Rome Garage Rocker
Overall Impression: IThe garage rocker is Rome’s blue collar rocker, that’s not meant to break your bank account but give you a good rocker board for the price. It’s a freestyle focused rocker with reverse free camber, making it a really easy ride on the mountain. I would even say this board for someone just getting into snowboarding that’s going to be park focused, would be ideal. Easy ride and a good mix of playful for the rider. I didn’t ride last year’s garage rocker but there’s definite changes that make it less jib and more park/all mountain.
Honesty Box:I’m probably not the rider for the garage rocker, it’s more freestyle focused than I ride at but even still I found it handled outside of park. However for my progressing skills in the park, it was a good match and gave me some good riding outside of the park. Impressed that this is Rome’s lower end rocker board because it rides better than the price.
Retails for: $300
Shay Says: Best bang for your buck and worth more than the price!
Best for: A solid board for park progression or just progression overall
Shay’s Yay or Nay: Yay, the price is unbeatable and it rides so good
10-11 Roxy Eminence C2 BTX
Overall Impression: The eminence is a more aggressive freestyle board for women, for 10-11 it’s a true twin that can be ridden in the pipe, pow or park (my 3 favs!). The flex is still on the softer side for a pipe board but that helps give it a more freestyle focus, in the powder it stays afloat.
Honesty Box:I wasn’t sure what to expect when I took out the eminence but it seemed like the addition of C2 to the line was a suitable match for a pipe dominator and board that you could ride the whole mountain with. I ended up getting park laps, pow laps and just groomers with this board. Despite the prettyness, the board takes the mountain to the next level for female riders. I was bummed the season came to an end because it’s size is perfect as an all mountain board.
Retails for: $539
Shay Says: Price is right
Best for: Aggressive female freestyle riders who charge
Shay’s Yay or Nay: Yay, it’s built to last and charges
10-11 Roxy Ollie Pop C2 BTX
Overall Impression: The ollie pop gets C2 technology for 10-11 and I foresee it continuing to be Roxy’s most popular board for the overall handling of it. As a freestyle board, the C2 gives it more stability but you can still play in the park with it and a really easy forgiving ride down the mountain.
Honesty Box:If I had to choose one board to last me multiple seasons during my beginning seasons of riding, it’d probably be this board because it really did make snowboarding a easy forgiving progressive ride. The board didn’t limit the rider and the rider didn’t limit how the board rode, I consider myself more advanced on the mountain and this board kept up with freeriding and still could play around with the basics on it. It was forgiving and it’s a board that lasts.
Retails for: $449
Shay Says: Price is right
Best for: Progressing female riders who want a board for years to come
Shay’s Yay or Nay: Yay, hands down a favorite board for a variety of styles
10-11 Salomon Popstar
Overall Impression: It’s refreshing to get back on a traditional camber board because it’s consistent and you know how it’ll ride, the Popstar was ideal for that. A good mix of all mountain riding, cruising and still a fun poppy board that you could enjoy without any surprises. It was light and fast, but never felt thrown about when riding.
Honesty Box: I wasn’t expecting to ride the popstar since it’s a cambered board but it’s one of those boards where you enjoy the ride because it’s consistent and you know how it’ll ride all day. I’d love to get on it again to play more in the park and goofing around with it to see if it holds up to it’s name better.
Retails for: $499?
Shay Says: On the expensive side
Best for: All mountain riding for a camber preference rider
Shay’s Yay or Nay: Yay if you want camber for the mountain, nay if you don’t. I’m a nayer.
10-11 Sierra V-spot
Overall Impression: The V-spot is Sierra snowboards collab board with Burton for women riders. It’s a women’s park board based off the Burton social. Super soft forgiving flex and the park is truly your playground with this board, easy to butter, press and pop off everything.
Honesty Box:I knew it’d be soft but it’s definitely one of the softest women’s boards I’ve been on which suits the board perfectly for a park rider or someone wanting an easy forgiving board. For me, I thought it was too soft and didn’t offer up what I wanted as a rider since I still like some stability on the mountain.
Retails for: $449 (but you’ll never have to pay that, usually under $300)
Shay Says: Price is damn good for the board
Best for: Females wanting a soft freestyle playful board
Shay’s Yay or Nay: Yay if you want soft and playful. Nay if you think it’ll push your riding or help improve it.
10-11 Smokin PYT
Overall Impression: The PYT offers up a flat zero camber board from Smokin designed for the park/jibber but also can handle freeriding outside of the park. I found the board a really fun ride but also a board that will make you quick on your feet with the edge to edge response you get.
Honesty Box:The PYT was the last board of the demo’s but also a favorable women’s board for just how it handled and that it did better than expected for a park board. It would be fun to try again on a park day where I could really play around with it. The funny thing about charging is I was following Gorio riding a Jones board, so I knew it could keep up but it definitely didn’t look as stable as Gorio did when it came to hauling down the mountain.
Retails for: $429
Shay Says: Best bang for your buck
Best for: All mountain freestyle that delivers fun on every run
Shay’s Yay or Nay: A high YAY, best price and bang for the buck plus it destroys the mountain every run
10-11 Stepchild Salary Man
Overall Impression: I can see why the salary man/everything sucks/powder sucks collection is popular it’s a great price for a all mountain board that isn’t limited to just one section of the mountain. It really made my demo day end on a high note and I found that I could have kept riding it longer except I needed to return it to the rep. Overall a really solid ride and a great board that will be available in reverse camber or camber.
Honesty Box:I said this in the Ride bandita review and I’ll say it in this review, the combination of the salary man and Ride bandita bindings was the best matched setup of the demo. I took them out at the last runs of the day and because of them, kept wanting to ride despite the crappy conditions and being sick. It was such a fun all mountain ride that didn’t require any adjustment, it just made the mountain a blast and I kept taking laps on them.
Retails for: $359
Shay Says: Best bang for your buck
Best for: Everything and anything, no adjustment needed.
Shay’s Yay or Nay: Yay, worth every penny for every ride it makes
10-11 Technine Re-enforcer
Overall Impression: The Re-enforcer is meant to be the reverse camber jib weapon from Technine but what it actually is, is a fun ride that can handle the mountain despite the jib title. It’s a friendly, playful board that you can take from the park to powder making the whole mountain a park. It definitely impressed me on the conditions and was a very predictable ride which for a reverse camber board, you don’t get as often. It definitely handled the terrain like a bigger board which was great for the size I was riding.
Honesty Box: It’s been years since I rode a technine board and the last time I wasn’t a fan at all. But the Re-Enforcer completely changed that for me and ended up being one of the most liked board of the demos. It really impressed me in the handling and just a board I could ride anywhere with no limitations, I enjoyed it so much and trusted it that I rode the board without highbacks on a couple runs.
Retails for: $389
Shay Says: Best bang for your buck
Best for: Park focused but can handle the whole mountain
Shay’s Yay or Nay: Yay, such a stellar board
10-11 Technine Team Dennison
Overall Impression: The dennison is that all mountain freestyle camber board that gives you a stable ride for charging the slopes but also an easy ride that won’t buck you off down the mountain. For the conditions it was one of the better boards of the day in handling some really choppy snow and being solid the whole way down the mountain.
Honesty Box: The Dennison was a very comfortable no surprise ride down the slopes. The end result was me using the board in the no-highback video because I knew how the board handled and was very comfortable with it on the slopes.
Retails for: $374.95
Shay Says: On the more expensive side
Best for: Park laps/all mountain on camber
Shay’s Yay or Nay: Yay it was a good ride but probably Nay for me riding it all the time.
10-11 YES Great Dudes of History
Overall Impression: The great dudes is meant for that all mountain freestyle board that you can take in the park or in the powder. The camrock gives it the camber stability but also the rocker playfulness and the mix of ultimate grip means never having to wash out on icy runs.
Honesty Box:When I first stepped on the great dudes, it had a loose feeling that I had to get adjusted to and I wasn’t sure if I’d really like the board. Once I got used to it and enjoyed the playful feeling, it was a lot more comfortable in how it handled the mountain. It wasn’t as charging as the YES asym I rode last year but also size has a consideration, the 156 suited me better. Also with the graphics there is limitless possibility of dirty jokes depending who is on the topsheet (found that out quickly when I rode the Einstein model).
Retails for: $449
Shay Says: Good board, good price
Best for: All mountain freestyle from in bounds to out of bounds
Shay’s Yay or Nay: Yay, the board delivers more than you expect
October 11, 2010 at 4:29 pmHi Shay,
If you get a chance to ride the 2011 Burton Joystick, Arbor Coda or Yes Optimistic I would appreciate any feedback. Also I’ve read that Ellis Snowboards is putting out at reverse camber Eecco snowboard which is supposed to be sick according to a few people who’ve rode it. As always, love your site and keep up the good work!!!
October 11, 2010 at 8:52 pmif you can:
Rossignol Experience 163cm
Rossignol Decoy 156cm
Rossignol Onemagtek 156cm
Jones Flagship 161cm
Bataleon The Jam 161cm
Burton Nug
Never Summer Raptor, 159cm
Never Summer Heritage, 155 or 158cm
October 12, 2010 at 7:19 pmKeep up the good work. Here are my requests for snowboard reviews. Hope you have the opportunity to get to a few of them
Burton Sherlock
Burton Custom Flying V
Yes Optimistic
Never Summer SL-R
Lib Tech T Rice
Hope Mammoth and the rest of Cali treats you well!!
October 17, 2010 at 10:41 amhey, just want to say it is nice to hear about boards from what i feel is first hand experience. i am looking to get a board for my girlfriend and i am looking at a roxy alley i beleive vs a burton blender. i like the roxy because it seem women based. but the burton with the spooned design sounds more forgiving. i liked your review of the 10/11 burtion lipstick. i wasnt sure about the flying v.
thanks again
October 17, 2010 at 1:28 pmHey Shay!
Thanks for the great recap all your great work for us boarders!!
Is it possible to test the Ride Crush 2010 – 2011?
October 18, 2010 at 9:16 amHey Shay-
It was great making turns with you this season!! I hope all is well in CA-
To update your info, the Technine Dennison is $374.95, not $480-
October 19, 2010 at 2:46 pmHi Shay,
I forget also add please:
Smokin Superpark; 156 or 159cm
Smokin KT-22; 156 or 150 cm
October 19, 2010 at 2:47 pmSmokin KT-22; 159cm oups
October 21, 2010 at 12:56 pmYes the Bataleon Riot is genuinly a superboard, I drives since previous year.
I can only recommend it.
Best regards of daily milk! (
October 22, 2010 at 12:02 amHi shay.
If you get the chance to try and review:
Rome Agent Rocker
Rome Artifact Rocker
Stepchild Salary Man (I know you tryed the camber, but there is also the Reverse Camber could be fun to see if it is a better board)
And last.
Atomic Fallen Angel (I’t is for the girlfriend)
If you get the chance to try them i would be cool!
October 29, 2010 at 10:30 amI totally agree with you about the Burton Lipstick. Personally I absolutely prefer Flying V over V-rocker but it just doesn’t seem right for the customer that the Lipstick is geared towards. V-rocker was alot more playful, which seems like the Lipstick girl, while Flying V personally took away some of the playfulness in exchange for a little more edge control.
October 30, 2010 at 4:14 amThanks for the great reviews Shay! Would love to get ur thoughts on the 10-11 Smokin Vixen 156 or whatever size u can get ur hands on.
January 30, 2011 at 4:46 pmHello, can anyone help me find a – Rome agent rocker wide 156,or 158 cm board for my son… Thank u very much…
February 2, 2011 at 8:31 pmEric, have you tried Just type in the rome agent and you’ll see what shops have it.