It was the last day for snowboarding at Windell’s camp but definitely the most fun and progressive day for me once we hit the slopes. A couple warm up runs from top to bottom just making turns and getting the muscles working again.
Early morning lines at Palmer
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We spent the morning back on the dance box (seriously the most fun feature) to just play with tricks. I ended up working on half cab to 50/50 on the box.
Sessioning Red Bull Dance Box – Half Cab 50/50 from Shayboarder on Vimeo.
But I also worked on a variety of tricks including…
Tail press
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Yeah the opposite of MJ, JJ?
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After the dance box, I graduated onto my first ollie on box at camp. Got the nerve up to finally hit it. I have footage of it, which I’ll be adding later. I worked on just riding till the end of it, and ended up with a tail press on the box.
The photo was early but it’s my ollie onto the rail for the first time
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Kenny our host with a bunch of campers.
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We headed back down to the easier box rail where I worked on frontside boardslides and actually felt better about them. We didn’t get any photos or footage but it gave me hope for when I head back to Colorado of hitting more rails.
Adam’s frontside noseslide on the box
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Kenny may be broken but he’s still killing it
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In the afternoon we grabbed our gear and headed to the public pipe to spend the last hour hiking pipe and getting some shots. I really wanted to get some shots of me riding pipe since I do it but never get shots of it. The pipe photos are all shot by Adam Anderton my coach here at camp (making sure he gets his photo credit)
Me airing out of the halfpipe
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Me in the pipe with Mt Hood in the background
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Eddie Wall Sr throwing down in the pipe
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We ended the last day on snow with a trip to the Timberline Lodge Blue Ox Bar for pizzas and beer to finish out the riding.
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After cleaning up and showering it was time to head to the BOB for the dis-orientation where all the campers got t-shirts and hats, plus the chance to win a ton of prizes. A couple adult campers took home some goodies including a free Stepchild Board and Grenade jacket.
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While the kid camper celebrated with a Red Bull Dance party, we had our own party at the adult house for the adults and coaches at camp that wanted to join in. It was a very fun night and my first night letting loose.
Coach Moss and myself
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Packed kitchen
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Donnie, myself and Beth hanging out
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MFM came out to Hood and was at our adult party last night to hang out with the adult campers. It was fun to watch him and Kenny, Kenny won his money in the end.
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August 10, 2009 at 10:22 pmSo jealous Shay!!
August 11, 2009 at 6:31 amSeconded… I’m envious… looks a lot more fun than Woodward, lol. That camp was fucking bullshit compared to Woodie. Thank god I went for free huh! Those pipe shots are sick, I can’t get out of the pipe
August 11, 2009 at 6:32 amI mean compared to Windells, not Woodie… lol
August 11, 2009 at 7:47 amAIGHEEEEE! the pipe shots are sick Shay! Tear that shit up girl!! Lauren, I’m with you on the pipe, I’m still in the “let’s get out of the pipe” phase myself.
August 11, 2009 at 7:59 amShay I’m so stoked on seeing all your progression, for someone who isn’t a park rider you sure are holding your own! I knew with the proper coaching you could do it! now when we’re riding this winter I know you will just keep progressing! Lauren better watch her ass cause shes not the only park shredder on the block no more!
August 11, 2009 at 1:18 pmKillin the pipe shay! You get your frontboards on lock? Let’s hit up fourth of July sometime when you’re back so you can show off your new rail skills in person : )
August 11, 2009 at 5:39 pmAwww… wow Shay you are amazing! Awesome!
You better make it back up to BC this year so I can shoot you doing awesome stuff
August 11, 2009 at 6:59 pmGood shit, congrats on the progression. If you make you way into PDX ping me and I’ll buy the first beer.
August 11, 2009 at 10:11 pmShay, random question…do you find that the bases of your NS boards dry out quicker than other boards? I feel like my infinity from last year doesn’t hold wax for more than a day on any snow condition no matter how good the quality of the wax…what do you think I am doing wrong?
August 13, 2009 at 3:22 amwerrrrrrrrrrd. you killed it. thanks for letting me use your camera. have’nt
August 13, 2009 at 3:50 pmHell yeah Shay….good shots out of the pipe and the half cab onto the box was sick!
Kristi….it may be that you are not taking your time waxing? Move the iron slowly but constantly along the board and let the pores in the base open up and accept the wax…especially along the p-tex by the edges. The first few times you wax, it always lasts shorter, but the more you wax, the longer each waxing lasts.
NS bases are from a high quality p-tex supplier…they should not dry out any quicker than any other board
The Windell’s Camp Adult Experience –
August 16, 2009 at 4:01 pm[…] Day 5 was taking pics of the jump line with our riders and getting more comfortable with the rails, Day 6 was when it all came together and my riding felt so much better on rails and Day 7 was the sad day […]
August 22, 2009 at 11:07 pmRE: gags…The reason I ask is because I’ve been waxing my own boards for 2-3 years and never had this issue with any other board, so maybe I should give a little more background. I’ve tried really drawing out the waxing process like you described but still no luck. I’ve made sure I let the wax job sit for two or so days before riding it, incase that was the problem (shouldn’t be). I’m really pretty confused. Maybe I’ll take some before/after pictures and make it an Ask Shay at some point. Any wax job on this board literally lasts for less than half a day no matter what I do, and the wax doesn’t come off evenly, it comes off splotchy and the bottom of the board looks all streaky and spotted…so SOME parts are keeping the wax while others simply don’t. I sort of wonder if there’s something wrong with it? I’ve tried a variety of waxes, too, from One Ball Jay, Burton, Swix…to trying even Yankee Candles. It’s the first NS I’ve ever had, so I don’t have much to compare it to, but it just doesn’t seem…normal. The board has less than 40 days on it, too, and this has been the case from day 2 on the board.