At our 7am wake up call this morning, we were told the shred day was in limbo and we wouldn’t know till 10am if the winds would die down enough for shredding. By 10am we got the call that the clouds were lowering and the mountain was rideable but to dress warm and prepared for colder weather.
Traveling in the Rome Van with style
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When we arrived at the mountain, the magic mile chairlift and some of palmer chairlift were fogged out. Luckily for us the word was that up top it was sun shining.
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The ride up was windy, cold and covering your face was needed.
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Luckily we were above the clouds and the sun was shining for most of the day.
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After taking some warmup laps we headed into the camp where we set up around the Red Bull dance floor box for our rail sessioning. It was my first time really on the bigger boxes, a couple good falls but eventually I was trying to tail press and 180 out by the end of the session.
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Here is the video that my coach Adam got of me doing the tail press on the box.
Sessioning Red Bull Dance Box from Shayboarder on Vimeo.
After sessioning that box we sat down for lunch when it was sunny outside.
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After lunch we headed to the halfpipe which I was totally ready for, to work on my halfpipe skills and have a coach give me feedback on what to do better plus the video footage to watch at the end of the day.
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Coach Moss
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What an improvement from yesterday because of boots. Today I rode the Bonfire women’s geo boots and wow I was fine all day, good fit and had no issues with my feet cramping up like yesterday. I knew before that boots were the #1 gear in snowboarding but now I really know, yesterday was miserable and today was soo much better including my riding with boots that didn’t hurt my feet.
We made our way off the mountain, headed to the buses and came back to camp to get dry.
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Couple of us adult campers at the end of the day.
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After showering and relaxing from riding, we headed inside to watch the video from today’s riding. I finally got to see myself riding a dance box and doing a tail press, plus all my footage from riding the halfpipe. Definitely was an improvement in the halfpipe from this winter.
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After our video session, we hung out at the adult house on the deck before dinner.
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The adult women campers, all 7 of us.
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Sushi dinner was amazing. We had almost 30 people at two tables enjoying a variety of dinners plus drinks. Plenty of sapporo around the table and good conversations.
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We had two giveaways at sushi dinner, snowboard jackets for the winner of who could eat wasabi the fastest and who could drink saki bomb the fastest. Here’s what the wasabi looked like.
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Bruce and myself at dinner
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Tomorrow is day 4 of camp and day 3 on snow, so looking forward to what more happens and how my progression continues on.
August 8, 2009 at 7:41 amI’m so stoked shay, your press on the box looked sick!!! Keep it up girl!!
August 8, 2009 at 12:07 pmAgreed, as Adrian said.. keep up the rawk! Lookin good fo sho!
August 10, 2009 at 7:50 ami agree with adrian… you’re holding down there!!!!!! that press was really nice! so stoked to read that you’re trying tail presses to 180 out… we both will freakin rock the park next winter!!
August 11, 2009 at 5:35 pmYAY I like your outfit Shay!
Veeeery nice press! I’m so jealous!
August 12, 2009 at 7:17 amThanks everyone! Definitely was a progressive week in the park, just trying stuff I hadn’t tried before on the boxes.
Allie, thanks! I love that DC softshell and red pants, definitely keeps the bright up.
August 13, 2009 at 3:36 pmyeah stylie!
The Windell’s Camp Adult Experience –
August 16, 2009 at 4:35 pm[…] the first day on snow starting the progression process and getting familiar with the adult campers, Day 3 was cold in the beginning but offered up the basics to riding boxes that helped with the rest of […]